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Solidariedade Imigrante. Foundation We started our work in1998 but our association was only established in 21 of June of 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Solidariedade Imigrante. Foundation We started our work in1998 but our association was only established in 21 of June of 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solidariedade Imigrante

2 Foundation We started our work in1998 but our association was only established in 21 of June of 2001

3 Main Goals Send to the enterprises documents of the process. Request information about their process. We give support to the immigrants who wants to live in Portugal and explain what they need to do to continue their life's in here – regularisation process. We help to call theirs family to live with them in Portugal – familiar reunion. Give to the immigrants information about their rights and what they need to do to live in Portugal

4 We are... Our Association is the biggest migrant association in Portugal. We have more than 16.000 members ship and they are from almost 90 countries. Now we have many offices to contact immigrants and help them.

5 Where we are... BejaLisboa Albufeira ( Santa Casa da Misericórdia ) Outurela/ Portela Ericeira

6 Process: Labour problems.  Bring the family to Portugal.  Do and renew the documents.  Support to access to education and health and fight for housing rights. # We alert the immigrants about the different situations in the country and what they could be involve to be a citizen

7 Activities   We provide Psychological help. This helps the immigrants to be more comfortable in the country, helping them to carry out the difficulties that they might be involved because they are distant from their family, friends and culture.

8 Partners   We have several projects in neighbourhood and with young people, with the principal character give to then the knowledge about how to do in these country, because many of than are the 2 nd generation, that means that their parents are immigrants, and they born in Portugal, but have not identification with this Country or the country of their nationality.

9  Of this project we have partner with: 1. Câmara Municipal do Seixal, with Associação Khapaz – with the program “Escolhas”, 2. Project- Outurela Portela – da Escola à Comunidade – Escolhas also, and with the Associação Assomada – talking with immigrants.   With IEFP – Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional, the Work Centre, with UNIVA – Unidade de Inserção e Vida Activa, this program help how to go to the active work life- most of the people that comes to our Association more than 20 years and we have not process to go to professional formation.   We are part of the counsil that be the voice of the immigrant in the government- COCAI – Conselho Consultivo Para Assuntos da Imigração.   With ACIDI – Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural, - CNAI and line S.O.S. Immigrant, and SEF Serviços de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, This programs are in the institutions that work for the government, but are immigrants to explain the other immigrant about the low and their rights.  

10  Other partners: 1. Rede Anti-Racista 2. PERCIP 3. Grupo do Teatro Oprimido-GOT. 4. No Vox 5. DAL – Direito de Alojamento 6. Santa Casa da Misericórdia 7. Migreurop 8. UMAR; AMCV ( that works with the women problem)

11 Trainning   Courses of languages and informatics.   Trainning – We offer traineeship in our delegation and in Beja.

12 Volunteers   Several of our activities are developed with the help of volunteers

13 SVE   The European Volunteers Service - young people of EU that are in the program of interculturality and citizenship.   Sometimes we develop partnerships with others associations that work with these young people.

14 Culturality   This project provides to the immigrants a place where they can find help to resolve their problems it´s also a leisure centre that offers expositions, music, dance, dinners of the world, debates, etc.

15 Woman Group – “Mãos Seguras” This is a group that do more atention to house worker, that hav many problems in their work, and are many immigrants, doing this kind of job. The principal problem is social isolation and general problems with the employers We promote the empowerment with this situation.

16 Divulgation   Newspapers   Caderno do Grow.   Debates in many places.   Visual material. Radio Show- Migresons Web site

17 Workshops   We do many workshops related to art in the areas of dance, music, plastic art, etc...

18 Solidariedade Imigrante We are trying to provide to our target group- the immigrants- a better way of life in Portugal by giving them the knowledge about the law of the country and their rights.

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