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William H. Jeynes (2005) Harvard Family Research Project (Harvard Graduate School of Education)

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1 William H. Jeynes (2005) Harvard Family Research Project (Harvard Graduate School of Education)

2 Why a Meta-Analysis? A meta-analysis statistically combines all the relevant existing studies on a given subject in order to determine the aggregated results of the research It would yield some answers to questions that the individual studies by themselves are too narrowly focused

3 Research Methods To determine the overall effects of parental involvement on K-12 students’ academic achievement To determine the extent to which certain expressions of parental involvement are beneficial to the students The meta-analysis drew from 77 students comprising over 300,000 students 36 secondary schools, 25 from elementary schools and 16 of both

4 Research Findings Parent involvement is associated with higher student achivement The findings were consistent whether the outcomes measures grades, standardized test scores … or teacher ratings This trend is true for overall as well as most components of parental involvement Parental involvement that required a large amount of time (reading and communicating with one’s child) had greater impact on student than some of the more demonstrative aspects of parent involvement

5 The largest effect sizes emerged for parental expectations The effect of parental involvement tended to be larger for African American and Latino children than that of Asian American students Parental involvement programs, but not as large the impact of parental involvement as a whole

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