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Fix product design flaws early in the development cycle with COSMOSWorks™ analysis tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Fix product design flaws early in the development cycle with COSMOSWorks™ analysis tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fix product design flaws early in the development cycle with COSMOSWorks™ analysis tools

2 Using PlaceWare This presentation is not a training session. If you would like to attend a training course, please contact your local SolidWorks reseller. Dial in for audio by using the number and audio code in the upper left-hand corner of your screen Ask questions by using the “Question” box on the left-hand side of your screen View sharing: When the presenter starts “view sharing” an application, click on the button at the bottom of the window titled “Expand View” to receive a complete view of the demonstration

3 PollPoll I have used COSMOSXpress – Yes – No I am a COSMOSWorks user – Yes – No, I do not use any analysis tools – No, I use other analysis tools

4 AgendaAgenda Physical Testing Vs Analysis What is Design Analysis and how it can help fix product design flaws? Design analysis in five simple steps Q&A

5 What is Physical Testing (Prototyping)? Creation of simple mockups or fully functional physical products to check performance before the product goes into final production DesignPrototype testingProduction

6 Prototyping Bottleneck Extends design cycle Expensive Leads to non-optimized designs DesignPrototype testingProduction

7 What is Design Analysis? Design analysis is ability to simulate prototype-test iterations and optimize designs on computer without building physical prototypes

8 What is Design Analysis? Design analysis is ability to simulate prototype-test iterations and optimize designs on computer without building physical prototypes Design Final testing ProductionAnalysis

9 Scope of Design Analysis Reduce Prototypes – Does this design work? – Does this design behave the way I think it does? Improve product quality, innovative designs Relative Merit – Which of these candidate designs appears to be the best? – Weed out the lesser designs Failure Analysis – Traditional usage of analysis – Requires some level of expertise

10 Why Invest in Design Analysis? Improve Product Quality67% Avoid Field Failures59% Reduce Number of Prototypes56% Send an email to to obtain a free copy of this

11 Comments From Companies Using Design Analysis Don Bartlett, Senior Staff Engineer, Fanuc Robotics, NA “The biggest advantage was timesaving over our previous methods. COSMOS is so fast and easy to use that we were able to make the 20 analysis runs that were required to understand the problem and solve it" Greg Dato, Kinemetrics Inc. Pasadena, California "With COSMOS we saved at least 2 months and thousands of dollars in wasted hardware. By using COSMOS integrated with our CAD system, we can electronically test multiple designs, then typically build just one prototype." Karsten Hoffman, Project Leader, Dräger, Germany “Using COSMOSWorks means that we can run calculations on the various design approaches during the design stage easily and quickly. We can then compare them against one another. Otherwise, we would have to either send the calculation work outside or build real prototypes so that we can carry out precise measurements

12 AgendaAgenda Physical Testing Vs Analysis What is Design Analysis and how it can help fix product design flaws? Design analysis in five simple steps Q&A

13 Design Analysis Process 1. Geometry definition. 2. Define component materials. 3. Define physical situation with boundary conditions. 4. Mesh & run the analysis (solve the system of equations). 5. View and evaluate the results. Modify, Update, Refine

14 Example – Analyzing a Connecting Arm You will learn: Starting COSMOSWorks Learning the basic steps of design analysis Assessing the safety of the design Change the geometry and recompute the stresses

15 COSMOS - Complete Analysis Portfolio Static Vibration Thermal Nonlinear Flow Motion Optimization Electromagnetic Post-dynamics

16 PollPoll This webcast was informative. – Agree – Somewhat agree – Disagree How was your viewing experience? – Good – Average – Poor

17 AgendaAgenda Physical Testing Vs Analysis What is Design Analysis and how it can help fix product design flaws? Design analysis in five simple steps Q&A

18 Thank You! Visit the SolidWorks website at to learn more about SolidWorks and its product offerings. Contact your local SolidWorks reseller for information on pricing and training. To find a reseller in your area call: – 1-800-693-9000 (US and Canada) – +1-978-371-5011 (Outside the US and Canada) My email address:

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