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PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT Australia. Constitution Parliament-legislative branch 3 parts Governor, Senate, and House of Representative Senate- 12 senators.

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Presentation on theme: "PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT Australia. Constitution Parliament-legislative branch 3 parts Governor, Senate, and House of Representative Senate- 12 senators."— Presentation transcript:


2 Constitution Parliament-legislative branch 3 parts Governor, Senate, and House of Representative Senate- 12 senators for each state 75 members of mainland territories Term limit of 3 years House of Representatives 150 members Deals with power of Parliament with the winning party having the majority votes to pick Prime Minister.

3 Executive Branch Power Exercised by Governor and Commander and Chief Advised by the Federal Executive Council Julia Gillard – Prime Minister

4 Judicial Branch High Court of Australia The only court that can exercise Federal Judicial Power Sec 80 Guarantees trial by Jury for indictable offense

5 Trade Trade among states is free Sec.99 forbids giving preference from one state to another

6 New States New States can be formed at anytime.

7 States They can surrender any part to the commonwealth

8 Religion Freedom of religion is protected.

9 States Governor seat is located within the state

10 Changes to the Constitution Specific procedures for amending the constitution An absolute majority in both houses is required Approved in the referendum of the proposed amendments

11 Australian Constitution The Australian Constitution Table of Provisions View the Constitution as a single document (PDF 92KB)PDF 92KB An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia [9th July 1900] (63 & 64 Victoria - Chapter 12) Preamble Chapter I. The Parliament (s. 1 to 60) Chapter I. The Parliament  Part I - General (s. 1 to 6) Part I - General  Part II - The Senate (s. 7 to 23) Part II - The Senate  Part III - The House of Representatives (s. 24 to 40) Part III - The House of Representatives  Part IV - Both Houses of the Parliament (s. 41 to 50) Part IV - Both Houses of the Parliament  Part V - Powers of the Parliament (s. 51 to 60) Part V - Powers of the Parliament Chapter II. The Executive Government (s. 61 to 70) Chapter II. The Executive Government Chapter III. The Judicature (s. 71 to 80) Chapter III. The Judicature Chapter IV. Finance and Trade (s. 81 to 105A) Chapter IV. Finance and Trade Chapter V. The States (s. 106 to 120) Chapter V. The States Chapter VI. New States (s. 121 to 124) Chapter VI. New States Chapter VII. Miscellaneous (s. 125 to 127) Chapter VII. Miscellaneous Chapter VIII. Alteration of the Constitution (s. 128) Chapter VIII. Alteration of the Constitution The Schedule

12 Major Issues Unemployment crept up to 5.1% a year ago and is said to be as high 6.25% by mid 2014 It peaked at 5.9% from the collapse of the Lehman Brothers in 2008

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