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NHSS National Honor Society Meeting #6 March 17, 2009.

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1 NHSS National Honor Society Meeting #6 March 17, 2009

2 Credits have been updated –The year is coming to a close, and many have little or no credits completed. Seniors need 10 before June so sign up for services! Important!

3 Credit questions See/email Lauren See/email Ms. Leonas Be patient…if it’s not on the list at all, the list has not been turned in to Lauren yet…Lauren has a life… Hand in card for state test for credit Teachers helped need to email Ms. L directly with hours total

4 Upcoming Credits Nashua Symphony Ushering Saturday April 4 @ Keefe Auditorium –Arrive @ 6:30 pm…… for email “Guys and Dolls” Ushering/Tickets Thursday March 26—Kelly O 6:30-8 Friday March 27--? Kadakias 6:30-8? Saturday March 28--FULL

5 Class play ushering Bring a flashlight (or 2 if you have extras) Arrive a little early (10-15 mins) so Mrs. Denner can teach you the layout of seat assignments

6 NPL book sale A few positions needed to fill: Wed. 3/25 7-9 pm (set up) 1 person Sat. 3/28 11-1 pm (sales) 1 person

7 Raffle…we need prizes! –Teams of 2 to sign up today to cover Nashua businesses – (Sat. 3/21 or 28 1-3 pm) -Individual donations: 1 prize=1 credit (2 credits if very large prize). Prizes due by 3/31 --GOAL: 1 prize per member? --all members required to sell tickets in April

8 More –soldier book drive- sign up to write messages in books; pack boxes and load into Ms. L’s car! Thursday, 3/26 –(ongoing): –Teacher helpers (jobs available in B2022) –Tutoring

9 Nashua Youth Soccer League all at Greeley Park U6/U7 Fields 1) Pre-Season Shed and Field Prep (2 students) Saturday April 4 1:00 to 3:30pm Sunday April 5 1:00 to 3:30pm (rain date)

10 2) First day of the Season (2 students) Saturday April 18 7:30 to 10:30am 3) Rest of the season (Saturdays 7:30am to 8:30am each) (1 student each week) April 25 May 2 May 9 May 16 May 30 June 6 June 13 No soccer on Memorial Day Weekend May 23.

11 Bicentennial Book Fair Thursday, March 26 6-8 pm 4 positions

12 Wed. Science NECAP tutors First meeting WED 3/25 in career center after school 2 positions each day; ongoing Wednesdays I

13 Reminders VISIT OUR WEBSITE for: –credit lists –credit opportunities –officer contacts –meeting minutes

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