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Fluids & Hydrostatic Pressure: JOIDES Resolution Drilling

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Presentation on theme: "Fluids & Hydrostatic Pressure: JOIDES Resolution Drilling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fluids & Hydrostatic Pressure: JOIDES Resolution Drilling
Christine Munoz Crystal Juárez

2 Introduction to C-DEBI + Mission
Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations C-DEBI’s overall mission is to explore life beneath the seafloor and make transformative discoveries that advance science, benefit society, and inspire people of all ages and origins.

3 What is a Microbe? A microscopic living organism, such as a bacterium, fungus, protozoan or virus. With few exceptions, microbes’ primary role is that of decomposers, consuming organic muck and deceased material, allowing it to be used within the system. A significant component of our research project was our “adoption” of Alcanivorax borkumensis, via the Adopt-a-Microbe program, which we were given updates and information about.

4 Alcanivorax borkumensis
rod-shaped n-alkanes are the principle of carbon and energy source by use of the broad spectrum of oil-degrading enzymes it possesses The microbe plays a major role in keeping our oceans in pristine condition as well as the inhabitants of the ocean and the inhabitants of the coastal regions in good health.

5 What does FLOCS stand for?
FLow-through Osmo Colonization Systems What are Flocs? They are cassettes and chambers that are usually packed with several colonization substrates (for example glass beads). Flocs are usually sent down to the bottom of the ocean with a replicated environment that is colonized by microbes. After some time the flocs are lifted up and microbiologists study the organisms that started to inhabit the rock of preference.

6 Mission Statement Our mission as the ALCHS QuikSCience team is to demonstrate that not all microbes are harmful to human behavior, including the microbe “ Alcanivorax borkumensis” Educate the public about the work done on the JOIDES Resolution and its benefits from the drilling operation.

7 JOIDES resolution The JOIDES Resolution is a deep sea drilling research boat that explores deep sea life. The scientists on board spend long hours gathering microbes from beneath the sea floor and studying their behaviors. Through this research, we have been introduced to the types of microbes that can be extremely beneficial to our society, including the oil-eating microbe named Alcanivorax borkumensis. This microbe works as an energy converter by using the oil particles as a source of food.


9 What We Learn from Ocean Drilling
Ocean drilling has: Confirmed the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift. Altered our thinking about the formation of geologic hazards like earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. Discovered methane, in the “frozen” form of hydrates (substance containing water), in sediments below the ocean, and confirmed that they exist worldwide. Discovered a vast and active biosphere of microbes living deep below the seafloor, far deeper than scientists ever predicted life could exist. Provided major insights into the paleoclimate record—the changes to our global climate that have occurred over the past 100 million years and more.

10 Under Pressure: Life on the Deep Ocean Floor
One of the most remarkable aspects of the microbes we are studying is their ability to withstand enormous pressures, while maintaining homeostasis. To help you better appreciate the magnitude and cause of this pressure, we need to define what pressure is, and how it varies depending on the depth you are at.

11 Pressure Definition: the force per unit area applied to the surface of an object. The pressure will increase when you: Apply a greater amount of force Concentrate a given amount of force into a smaller area Atmospheric Pressure (Patm): the “weight” of the air sitting on top of an object at sea level, divided by the surface area of the object. Patm = 101,325 N/m2

12 Hydrostatic Pressure If an object, such as a microbe, is located entirely under water, the pressure on it is increased, because it has the weight of the air plus the weight of the water above it pressing it down. The pressure of the air = Patm

13 The Pressure of the Water
The downward pressure exerted by the water on the object shown here is: V = Ah h = depth of water A = surface area of object V = volume of water g = gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2)ρ = density of water When you add the pressure of the air (Patm) plus the pressure of the water (ρgh), you get what is called the Hydrostatic Pressure.

14 Hydrostatic Pressure P = pgh + Patm Patm = 101,325n/m p = 1kg/m
(Hydrostatic Pressure Equation) Patm = 101,325n/m (constant for atmospheric pressure) p = 1kg/m (constant density for H2O) g = 9.8 m/s2 (this is the constant of gravity)

15 In your groups work together to solve given problems 
Practice Problems In your groups work together to solve given problems 

16 JOIDES-PARDY (aka jeopardy )
The class will now be divided in half. The right hand side will be team Alcanivorax & The left will be borkumensis! We will now ask you a series of questions in relation to our presentation. You may use any notes taken as a reference for your answers REMEMBER YOU ARE PLAYING FOR EXTRA CREDIT!

17 For 5 points P = P gh + Patm

18 What is the Hydrostatic Pressure Equation?
Answer What is the Hydrostatic Pressure Equation?

19 For 5 points 101,325 N/m2

20 What is Atmospheric Pressure?
Answer (2) What is Atmospheric Pressure?

21 For 10 Points Cassettes and chambers sent down to the bottom of the ocean by scientist aboard the JOIDES resolution in order to collect information on microbes

22 Answer (3) What are FLOCs?

23 This microbe consumes oil
For 15 Points This microbe consumes oil

24 Alcanivorax borkumensis?
Answer (4) What is Alcanivorax borkumensis?

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