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YOUTH and REALITIES. Content 1.Young People in Belarus 2.Specifics of Youth Movement 3.Possibilities of International Youth Cooperation 4.youthNET Project.

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2 Content 1.Young People in Belarus 2.Specifics of Youth Movement 3.Possibilities of International Youth Cooperation 4.youthNET Project

3 Young People: Young people in Belarus – people 16 - 31 years old. Youth Non-governmental Organization – non-governmental organization where 2/3 of members are people whose age is up to 31.

4 Sex & Age Pyramid of Population (for January 1 st 2004)

5 Values of Young People: High-level higher education First love, then marriage What can prevent young people from having many kids in future: Financial difficulties No adequate living conditions Lack of will to have kids Career orientedness

6 Attitude towards politics: Interested in politics (men are interested more) Do we need state ideology? «yes, definitely» «it is needed to some extent» How do young people understand «state ideology»? History Mentality and national traditions Belarusian culture

7 Leisure time: Intellectual and physical activities: Sport Computer Reading (fiction, periodicals, professional) Extra earning Television (movies, soap operas, music programmes, news and analytical programmes, sport) What do young people prefer to drink? 40,8% - tea, coffee and non-alcoholic drinks 20,2% — beer 9,3% — wine 4,6% — strong alcoholic drinks The rest prefer not to drink alcohol

8 Issues connected with youth participation: Skeptical attitude of grown-ups based on stereotypes Lack of legal basis for youth initiatives Low level of civic knowledge Lack of confidence to youth initiatives on behalf of local authorities (BRYU, BRPO) Youth leaders in regions lack organizational and technical knowledge Internet unavailable in villages

9 Realities of Youth Movement in Belarus: State programme «Youth of Belarus» for 2004-2005 State support of NGOs «Belarusian National Youth Union» and «Belarusian National Pioneer Organization» Number of NGOs by year Registered NGOs by year 1 April 1998 199912 August 2002 30 October 2003 1 January 2004 Had to re- register Passed re- registration NGOs219124331326198022482214 Number of Youth NGOs - 148

10 Личностные источники власти Поведение лидера: Усилия по влиянию на других Наиболее эффективное сочетание всех имеющихся источников власти в данной ситуации Результат: Высшая удовлетворенность Высшее качество Высший уровень выполнения работы Должностные источники власти Typical Representative of Belarusian Youth

11 Possibilities for International Youth Cooperation: Development of cooperation between youth non-governmental organizations and initiatives Experience exchange between youth non-governmental organizations and initiatives Learning about international practices (technologies and methods) of youth work and applying them on national and local levels in Belarus Intercultural learning and intercultural communication + practicing foreign languages Lack of donors, possibilities for youth work and learning about international experience in this field

12 youthNET Project: Efficient strategy for involving young people in Belarus New possibilities for youth non-governmental organizations and initiatives through spreading out the information New practices in youth work through cooperation and partnership Expansion of possibilities for young people’s participation in regions


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