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IRAN Part 1. Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic Republic of Iran created by Revolution of 1979 created by Revolution of 1979 (1) first religious revolution.

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1 IRAN Part 1


3 Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic Republic of Iran created by Revolution of 1979 created by Revolution of 1979 (1) first religious revolution in modern history (1) first religious revolution in modern history (2) culminated in rapid downfall of a powerful, long-standing autocratic regime (2) culminated in rapid downfall of a powerful, long-standing autocratic regime (3) used religion as the primary agency of political mobilization (3) used religion as the primary agency of political mobilization (4) establishment of a theocracy in late 20 th century, infused with strong democratic elements (4) establishment of a theocracy in late 20 th century, infused with strong democratic elements (5) inaugurated a wave of political activism in the Muslim world (5) inaugurated a wave of political activism in the Muslim world

4 blending of theocratic and democratic features in Iran’s constitution blending of theocratic and democratic features in Iran’s constitution – split legitimacy –recognizes principles of popular sovereignty and separation of powers – but, legitimacy also rests on conformity to a revealed body of religious law

5 significant dates 559 BC The first world empire (Achemenian Empire) founded by Cyrus the Great 570 - 632 life span of the Prophet Muhammad 637-651 Arab armies defeat Persia, introduce Islam 1501-1722 Safavid Empire founded, shi’ism established as Persia’s state religion 1794-1925 Qajar dynasty replaced the Safavids, retained Shi’ism 1925-1979 The Pahlavi dynasty World War I Iran occupied by Russian, British and German troops 1979 Shah’s regime falls, Khomeini declares Islamic Republic 1980-1988 war with Iraq

6 strategic location in Persian Gulf strategic location in Persian Gulf much of country not arable  skewed demographic distribution much of country not arable  skewed demographic distribution – world’s 17 th largest population – 70% of population lives in 30% of the land much of Iran is rural and historically nomadic/pastoral much of Iran is rural and historically nomadic/pastoral 89% Shi’ite Muslim 89% Shi’ite Muslim the 2 nd largest exporter within OPEC, 4 th largest exporter in the world the 2 nd largest exporter within OPEC, 4 th largest exporter in the world proven oil reserves: 10% of world’s total, plus 15% of world’s natural gas reserves proven oil reserves: 10% of world’s total, plus 15% of world’s natural gas reserves

7 Shi’ism from 7 th to 16 th centuries, region of Iran was disunified and frequently invaded from 7 th to 16 th centuries, region of Iran was disunified and frequently invaded the glue that would eventually hold Persians together was religion the glue that would eventually hold Persians together was religion – survived subsequent invasions and changes in political leaderhip – vital source of identity for Iranians Shi’ism established as the state religion in the 16 th century Shi’ism established as the state religion in the 16 th century division from Sunni Muslims: division from Sunni Muslims: – the prophet died without a designated heir – Sunnis favored choosing the caliph from existing leadership – Shi’ias argued that only descendants of Ali should lead

8 messianic belief  challenge to legitimacy of all secular authority messianic belief  challenge to legitimacy of all secular authority shi’ite clerics: more independent, more hostile to secular power shi’ite clerics: more independent, more hostile to secular power secure income from voluntary religioius taxes secure income from voluntary religioius taxes

9 Safavids (1501-1722) characteristics: characteristics: – converted Iranians to Shi’ism – ruled from inland Isfahan, relied on local leaders – claimed descent from 12 imams influences on modern political system: influences on modern political system: – 90% of modern Iranians are Shi’ite – tradition of isolation – foundations for a theocracy

10 Qajars (1794 – 1925) characteristics: characteristics: – Turkish invaders – ruled from coastal Tehran – retained Shi’ism – domination by other countries influences on modern political system: influences on modern political system: – tradition of trade/contact – foundations of secularism – failures of regime led to Constitutional Revolution of 1905  representative government

11 Pahlavis (1925-1979) characteristics: characteristics: – overthrew representative government – centralized power in shah – increased reliance on oil income  creation of rentier state – contact with West, secularization – corruption influences on modern political system: influences on modern political system: – reinforced authoritarian rule – corruption – increased secularization, followed by reestablishment of theocracy

12 eventual democratic opposition to absolute rule of Reza Shah: Muhammad Mosaddeq eventual democratic opposition to absolute rule of Reza Shah: Muhammad Mosaddeq – NATIONAL FRONT: supported by middle class people  who emphasized Iranian nationalism,  advocated nationalizing British-owned companies that monopolized oil  take military out from under control of shah –Mosaddeq elected Prime Minister in 1951, forced shah to flee the country in 1953 –Great Britain and US co-sponsored move to overthrow Mosaddeq and restore shah to power

13 The Islamic Revolution and the Republic (1979 – Present) distinguish from other modern revolutions (Russia, China, Mexico): in Iran, almost completely based on religion distinguish from other modern revolutions (Russia, China, Mexico): in Iran, almost completely based on religion the shah divided political culture, and a clerical elite rose up, led a revolution, and took over the government the shah divided political culture, and a clerical elite rose up, led a revolution, and took over the government charismatic leader: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini charismatic leader: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (1): defended fundamentalism (1): defended fundamentalism (2): articulated resentment against elites and the West (2): articulated resentment against elites and the West

14 2 factors sparked the revolution: 2 factors sparked the revolution: (1) late 1970s, decrease in oil prices combined with increase in consumer prices (1) late 1970s, decrease in oil prices combined with increase in consumer prices – “revolution of rising expectations” (2) under pressure from USA, shah loosened restraints on opposition (2) under pressure from USA, shah loosened restraints on opposition – unleashed support for revolution from diverse groups shah fled the country shah fled the country

15 April, 1979: referendum officially ended the monarchy and established the Islamic Republic of Iran April, 1979: referendum officially ended the monarchy and established the Islamic Republic of Iran Assembly of Religious Experts wrote constitution Assembly of Religious Experts wrote constitution – gave broad authority to Ayatollah and clergy clergy launched a Cultural Revolution clergy launched a Cultural Revolution – purify Iran from the shah’s rule and from secular values and behavior, especially Western-inspired – government suppressed all opposition

16 1989 - present consolidation of clerical power under Khomeini aided by popular support: consolidation of clerical power under Khomeini aided by popular support: – oil prices rebounded – Iraq war – personal charisma of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei lacks personality and credentials of Khomeni Ali Khamenei lacks personality and credentials of Khomeni – greater questioning of authoritarian clerical rule – Iraq was ended in 1988, world oil prices fell again in 1990s ongoing conflict between theocratic and democratic values ongoing conflict between theocratic and democratic values

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