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Catalyst # 3 Pg. 1. 1.What is the scientific name for a white blood cell? 2. 2.What specific types of leukocytes are involved in the inflammatory response?

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyst # 3 Pg. 1. 1.What is the scientific name for a white blood cell? 2. 2.What specific types of leukocytes are involved in the inflammatory response?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst # 3 Pg. 1. 1.What is the scientific name for a white blood cell? 2. 2.What specific types of leukocytes are involved in the inflammatory response? 3. 3.Why do you think there a multiple types of white blood cells? Semester 2 Table of Contents 1.Unit 5 Learning Log- Pg. 1 2. Lesson 57- Viruses and Bacteria Pg. 3-6 3. Lesson 58- White Blood Cells Pg. 7-10 4. Lesson 59- Types of Immune Defenses Pg. 11-14 Assigned Vocabulary- Due: 1/30-1/31 3. Macrophage 4. Lymphocyte 5. Neutrophil 6. Leukocyte 7. Antibody 8. Antigen 9. Specific Defense 10. Non Specific Defense Vocabulary Due

2 Announcements Vocabulary Due- Next Th/Fri Vocabulary Due- Next Th/Fri Homework Questions Due- Mon/Tues Homework Questions Due- Mon/Tues 1 st Quiz of the Semester- Next Th/Fri 1 st Quiz of the Semester- Next Th/Fri

3 Pre- Reading Notes Pg. ___ BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS: BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS:  Noise Level 0- Silent  Independent  Head Up/Facing Forward DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS:  Read each ppt slide  Try to learn the information on your own first  After reading ALL slides, write down how the information presented connects to: Something you’ve learned before Something you’ve learned before ○ We learned about ____ in the past. This information connects to that because _____. Something you think we’ll learn in the future Something you think we’ll learn in the future  AND 1 question you have about the info

4 Answer the Poll Questions! y/polls#!/my/polls y/polls#!/my/polls

5 Think Pair Share Turn to your elbow partner and share how this information connects to previous content. Turn to your elbow partner and share how this information connects to previous content.  We learned about ____ in the past. This information connects to that because _____. Tell your partner the most important piece of information you learned from the notes. Tell your partner the most important piece of information you learned from the notes.  From this information I learned __________

6 Get Ready For Notes- Pg. Title: Types of Immune System Defenses Behavioral Expectations: Behavioral Expectations:  Noise Level 0: Silent  Head Up  Facing Forward

7 Learning Target Explain the mechanisms the immune system uses to fight infection. Explain the mechanisms the immune system uses to fight infection.

8 Antibodies =KpNFAEbLcvk&feature=related =KpNFAEbLcvk&feature=related =KpNFAEbLcvk&feature=related =KpNFAEbLcvk&feature=related 3D: 3D: 3D:  v=lrYlZJiuf18&feature=related v=lrYlZJiuf18&feature=related v=lrYlZJiuf18&feature=related

9 What kind of mechanisms does our immune system have to fight disease?

10 A. Reminders: Pathogen = any agent (thing) that causes disease. ex: bacteria, viruses, microbes, etc. The immune system fights infection by trying to keep you healthy.

11 B. There are two ways it does this: 1. Nonspecific Responses 2. Specific Responses

12 1. Nonspecific Defenses EX: Your skin secretes oil and sweat, which help to kill bacteria (makes the skin acidic, bacteria don’t like to live in these conditions). Other examples: mucus, tears, inflammation, and fever when part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful Inflammation-when part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful  a reaction to injury or infection.

13 2. Specific Defenses = ways that your body specifically fights against certain pathogens. ex: antibodies, produced by white blood cells

14 If a pathogen is able to get past the body’s nonspecific defenses, the immune system reacts with specific defenses. Specific defenses that attack the particular pathogen (disease-causing agent) are called immune responses. This is triggered by an antigen. 2. Continued

15 3. Antigens   What is an antigen? Anything that triggers an immune response – like an ID card of pathogens (ex: virus, bacteria, other pathogens) Each pathogen has its own antigen

16 4. Antigens on Pathogens Antigens are how your immune system knows what to attack. Cells, bacteria, viruses, etc. have special things on them that help your immune system to either recognize them (because they are part of your body) or see that they are invaders and should be attacked. These protein markers are called: Antigens.

17 5. To fight against pathogens … Once your immune system sees that an invading pathogen has antigens (markers/IDs) that it does not recognize, it decides to FIGHT against it!   WHITE BLOOD CELLS create little proteins to recognize the pathogens. These are specific to that certain type of pathogen and help destroy the invaders.   These = ANTIBODIES

18 6. White Blood Cells   Look for the protein markers (ANTIGENS) on pathogens When they see a pathogen, they create little proteins to attach to the pathogen ***These proteins that attach to pathogens are called Antibodies****

19 What are Antibodies?   Antibodies are proteins that recognize and bind to antigens (of pathogens) What do antibodies do?   Antibodies are carried in the bloodstream to attach to the pathogen and signal an immune response   As the antibodies overcome the infection, the plasma cells die out and stop producing antibodies 7. Antibodies

20 Your body produces hundreds of antibodies just in case some happen to fit actual antigens! * Antibodies have a specific shape and fit with a certain pathogen’s antigen

21 Antibodies

22 Which of the following is a SPECIFIC defense?? A. A.White blood cells B. B.Skin

23 Which of the following is a NON-SPECIFIC defense?? A. A.White blood cells B. B.Skin

24 Homework Questions Due: 1.What is the difference between specific and non specific defense? 2.What is the role of an antibody? 3.Why do you think the body has developed 2 different types of immune defenses?

25 Literature Circle- Pg. ___ BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS: BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS:  Noise Level 0- Silent  Independent  Head Up/Facing Forward DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS:  Choose a specific job  Follow each job’s specific instructions  Write answers in your notebook on pg. ______

26 Preview Information That Is Coming Up ence/biology/immunology/v/types- of-immune-responses--innate-and- adaptive---humoral-vs--cell- mediated ence/biology/immunology/v/types- of-immune-responses--innate-and- adaptive---humoral-vs--cell- mediated ence/biology/immunology/v/types- of-immune-responses--innate-and- adaptive---humoral-vs--cell- mediated ence/biology/immunology/v/types- of-immune-responses--innate-and- adaptive---humoral-vs--cell- mediated

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