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$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Category 3Category 4Category.

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2 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Category 3Category 4Category 5 Category 1Category 2

3 Does Sue have curly or straight hair? FINAL JEOPARDY C1 final Sam’s Genes S u e’ s G e n e’ s HAIR TYPE A-curly hair a- straight hair

4 C1 final curly hair

5 Chromosome that determines whether a child is male or female C1 $100

6 Sex chromosome C1 $100

7 A change in a gene that causes a new trait to be inherited C1 $200

8 mutation C1 $200

9 What is a pedigree? C1 $300

10 A chart that tracks which members of a family have a particular trait C1 $300

11 The physical appearance of an organism is called: Genotype or phenotype C1 $400

12 Phenotype C1 $400

13 When the genes appear to blend together, the genes show C1 $500

14 Incomplete dominance C1 $500

15 C2 $100 A person with one recessive and one dominant trait for an allele is called a

16 C2 $100 Hybrid

17 C2 $200 Heredity is ____

18 C2 $200 The passing on of traits from an organism to its offspring

19 C2 $300 What is a Punnet square?

20 C2 $300 A chart used by scientists to show combinations resulting from a cross of two organisms

21 C2 $400 The phenotype for the short pea plant tt is dominant or recessive?

22 C2 $400 recessive

23 C2 $500 Who is the father of genetics who studied the pea plant?

24 C2 $500 Gregor Mendel

25 C3 $100 The process of selecting a few organisms with desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation

26 C3 $100 Selective breeding

27 C3 $200 What is a recessive trait?

28 C3 $200 An incomplete or weaker trait

29 C3 $300 How many males are represented on this pedigree?

30 C3 $300 10

31 C3 $400 How many males in Generation III have the disease? III II

32 C3 $400 4

33 C3 $500 How many individuals in Generation II were carriers of the trait? III II

34 C3 $500 6

35 C4 $100 Describe the chromosomes of the female

36 C4 $100 XX

37 C4 $200 If a child has blue eyes and both her parents have brown eyes, what does that tell you about the trait for blue eyes?

38 C4 $200 It’s recessive

39 C4 $300 What is Sam’s genotype? Sam’s Genes S u e’ s G e n e’ s HAIR TYPE

40 C4 $300 Aa

41 C4 $400 What is the probability that Sam and Sue’s offspring will have straight hair? Sam’s Genes S u e’ s G e n e’ s HAIR TYPE A-curly hair a- straight hair

42 C4 $400 1/4

43 C4 $500 In asexual reproduction the offspring receives genes from A.Two parents B. One parent

44 C4 $500 One parent

45 C5 $100 Genes are found on ____

46 C5 $100 chromosomes

47 C5 $200 What did Watson and Crick do?

48 C5 $200 Made models of DNA structure

49 C5 $300 If you cross a flower with genotype pp and a purple flower with genotype PP, describe the offspring

50 C5 $300 All Pp

51 C5 $400 Are sex-linked recessive traits more common in males or females?

52 C5 $400 Males

53 C5 $500 What causes sickle cell anemia?

54 C5 $500 A change in the order of the person’s DNA

55 This Jeopardy game was created by Mrs. Siegel Now use this information to study for your test!!!

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