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Current Scenarios of Forage and Forage Seed Production and Use in Ethiopia Getnet Assefa November, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Scenarios of Forage and Forage Seed Production and Use in Ethiopia Getnet Assefa November, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Scenarios of Forage and Forage Seed Production and Use in Ethiopia Getnet Assefa November, 2015

2 Introduction Improved forage crops as feed for livestock in Ethiopia - Major feed resources available (CSA, 2014/15, sedentary areas) Negative Balance Inadequate, the quality is poor & supply is variable over the seasons. Through better management, theses feeds could be used more efficiently. But to transform livestock production - increasing feed supply is a key element

3 Feed supply and quality should be adequate Increasingly difficult for livestock to satisfactorily perform the various functions Grazing lands are shrinking over the years Crop residues supply increased

4 Which way to improve feed supply to transform livestock productivity ? Feed supply and quality should be adequate Particularly supplement feeds - Grains - very limited - Agro-industrial by products – very limited (but molasses has high potential) - Improved cultivated forage crops – high potential -In relation to current situation analysis, forage crops are the primary option from different perspectives -Forage crop could provide high quality basal diet or be used as supplement to crop residues

5 Comparative Advantages of Forage Crops Farmers can produce around their vicinity Productive and high in quality Could be integrated with NRM and many other options - multiple functions Diversified species and means of production Relatively cheaper Positive contribution to climate change - carbon sequestration

6 Available forage production packages Many varieties / species are registered and recommended - Suitable to different agro-ecologies and production systems Productive and profitable agronomic practices are available Integration methods developed Conservation practices Major quality parameters known Feeding strategies are available

7 Forage Crops Adoption Intensification is a must to increase productivity due to the rapid changes of population, production practices, investment, etc, - Demand for improved forage crops is increasing But still adoption is very low The dominant livestock production practice is still subsistence -- not market oriented Scarcity of land Scarcity of seed and planting materials Traditional production practices – cattle kept mainly for traction, free grazing

8 Recommended Forage Promotion Approaches 1.Linking forage production to market oriented livestock systems 2.Linking forage production to the current farming practice, NRM, marginal lands, etc. 3.Strong extension system and support – Training, – Strong follow up – Create market linkage 4.Establish efficient input / output supply and marketing systems – Specially forage seeds

9 Current Forage Seed and Planting Material Situation in Ethiopia Limited supply – Seed of few species available – Public seed enterprises are not engaged – National demand is not well estimated or understood – Production technologies are limited – Experience and skills are poor – Prices are inflated due to low supply

10 Available Forage Seed Technologies and Knowledge Forage seeds require specialized experience, skills, facilities - specially for herbaceous perennial forages  Some Information is available ( for few species) -Seed productivity -Suitable production sites / agro-ecologies -Fertilizer application -Harvesting management -Seed threshing, cleaning and processing -Germination

11 National Forage Seed Standards (ESA ) Ethiopia has national seed standard for some selected forage crops (ES xxx - : 2000), 2012 26 Forage species 10 grasses, 12 legumes, 3 Browse trees and 1 root crop Standards - Field standards - land requirements, rotation, Isolation, packing and marketing - Laboratory standards - purity, diseases, germination, moisture

12 Institutional Setup of Seed Certification 1. Variety release and registration 2 Certification of competence for seed production 3. Certification of certified seeds Animal and plant health regulatory directorate, Federal MoA Regional organs for seed regulatory services, regional BoA Animal and plant health regulatory directorate, Federal MOA Regional organs for seed regulatory services, regional BoA National variety release committee National seed inspection laboratory Regional seed inspection laboratories

13 Forage Species / Variety Registration Forage crops variety releasing / registration procedures was in place since 2005, MOA Major parameters Field evaluation procedures Forage productivity Nutritional quality Disease and pest resistance The procedures need revision and standards should be clearly established About 27 forage species / varieties are officially registered - For different agro ecologies and production systems Grasses - 12 Legumes - 13 Browse trees - 2 (MOA, 2014 – Crop variety register Issue 17) Most of the species are exotic Only few local species Few through adaptation No of varieties registered annually are increasing

14 Lessons from grain seeds certification From the experience of grain seeds in Ethiopia the following are the major challenges to be considered Efficiency of providing seed certification services Poor capacity of certification service providers - Institutional - Physical - Human Incomplete coverage of certification process along the seed value chain (production to marketing)

15 Major challenges of forage and forage seed development in Ethiopia Low level of intensification of livestock production, poor market orientation, free grazing, etc Increased population, increased food crops production and scarcity of land for forage production Poor access of livestock technologies, knowledge and support to farmers Lack of adequate and quality forage seeds and planting materials of recommended species and varieties Lack of appropriate and realistic information including, seed & forage supply and demands, marketing information, good practices, etc

16 Opportunities Government’s policy and support to livestock production and investment Increasing demand for livestock products locally and for export market The need for intensification of livestock production evolved from the current many dimensional changes Diversified agro-ecology and recommended technologies to produce different forages and forage seeds Various development initiatives like NRM, SLM,CRGE etc to integrate forage production.

17 The Way Forward Promote forage development linked with market oriented livestock systems, NRM, etc Analyze the national forage and forage seeds supply and demand with appropriate procedures Improve seed quality control and release and certification process over long run – with quick release procedures enacted now until release and certification procedures and process in place Develop institutional models for forage and forage seed supply and agribusiness development Capacity development of farmers, pastoralists development agents etc through strong extension, credit services, market linkage

18 Thank You

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