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Dion parker. I will this game because it looks more real.

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Presentation on theme: "Dion parker. I will this game because it looks more real."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dion parker

2 I will this game because it looks more real

3 I like this TV because it has HD

4 X-box 360 I like this game because they have the best games to me and you don’t need a flat screen for it to look real

5 Gucci mane He is my favorite rapper because he has the best beats

6 forces I like this shoe because I always were them

7 dogs I like dogs because a dog is a mans best friend

8 White tigers cubs I like this tiger because it is not like all the other ones it is white

9 Chicken This is my favorite food its my favorite because it is a food you eat in the hood

10 Hines Ward He is my favorite football player he won two super bowls and was the MVP for one

11 Lebron James He is my favorite Basketball player he is now the MVP of the NBA


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