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Miss Stankewitz. Wearing black polo Polo is tucked in Wearing khaki colored pants or shorts If wearing shorts, they are appropriate length Belt is being.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Stankewitz. Wearing black polo Polo is tucked in Wearing khaki colored pants or shorts If wearing shorts, they are appropriate length Belt is being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Stankewitz

2 Wearing black polo Polo is tucked in Wearing khaki colored pants or shorts If wearing shorts, they are appropriate length Belt is being worn, if needed

3 What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? What do you like to do with your friends? By yourself? What is your favorite sport to watch? To play? If you could be like any one great person who would it be? Why? What is your favorite food? What do you think your best quality is? What type of music do you listen to? Who is your favorite to listen to? Find at least one thing you have in common with each other

4 Build reading, math, and study skills through: Accelerated Reader Accelerated Math Lexia Common Core Online Quantum Scholars

5 Pencil Toolkit for Success Book (for silent reading) Earbuds BRING THESE ITEMS EVERYDAY!


7 1. We will be respectful 2. We will follow directions the first time 3. We will keep our hands to ourselves 4. We will be in dress code 5. We will not go to restricted websites 6. We will keep our work stations clean 7. We will come to class prepared and ready to learn 8. We will always do our best

8 When entering classroom: Turn in homefun into correct drawer Have a seat at your station and begin silent reading Leave computers off, unless told to turn on If you need a pencil, fill out pencil check out form and return it before the end of class During classtime: Turn in all classwork into correct drawer You are always welcome to lined paper from the blue basket if needed for an assignment If you need my help, want to add to the discussion, or have a question, be sure to raise your hand before yelling out

9 When asked to line up: Push in chair Stand quietly Line up in a single file line with hands at your side and facing forward When whole class is quiet and ready we may leave the classroom

10 We will take class restroom break halfway through class Line up quietly Only three students in at a time Rest of class needs to stand quietly against lockers Do your business and wash your hands as quickly as possible then exit so next student can go This will be the only restroom break during class, so be sure to take care of business during passing time We will only have a total of ten minutes for the restroom break

11 Before leaving class: Make sure you have turned in all classwork Write down what home fun we have Log off computer Turn chair around so the back rest is against the table Stand at your station until bell has rung Remember: nobody will leave my classroom until all of my pencils have been checked in

12 When rules are not followed a write up form will be filled out You will receive one verbal warning First write up = student conference/alternate seating/alternate assignment Second write up = parent contact Third write up =detention Fourth write up = office referral FAILURE TO SHOW UP TO YOUR DETENTION WILL RESULT IN ANOTHER WRITE UP!

13 Receive a star for outstanding behavior, achievement, and participation

14 Resilience: The ability or power to return to original form after being bent, compressed or stretched Intelligence: Capacity for learning, reasoning, and understanding Zero Excuses How do these apply in this classroom and Orchard Knob?

15 On time and on task Keep words and actions positive Make smart choices Show respect When these actions are seen a yollar will be given

16 Keys of Excellence Integrity, Failure Leads to Success, Speak with Good Purpose, This Is It, Commitment, Ownership, Flexibility, Balance Tenets Everything Speaks, Everything is on Purpose, Experience Before Label, Acknowledge Every Effort, If It’s Worth Learning, It’s Worth Celebrating

17 Binder Including: Notebook for each subject Pencil pouch with pencils and earbuds Keep this on you (and a book) at all times Keep organized and clean I will be doing random Toolkit checks to make sure that this is being done Remember to care a notebook and pencil with you everyday until the toolkit is given to you

18 Fire Drill: Line up quietly Move quietly through hallway Turn left out of classroom and exit through main doors Walk to sidewalk and stay there until we are able to enter building again Lockdown: Sit on floor against back wall Stay calm and completely quiet Do not panic

19 Tornado: Line up quietly Exit classroom Sit against lockers Stay quiet and calm

20 I believe in you I trust in you You are listened to You are cared for You are important You will succeed “High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectations”

21 On a sheet of paper I need the following information: Name Block (label A or B) RIZE teacher Birthday Home Address Parent/Guardian name(s) Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s) Parent/Guardian Email(s) (if they don’t have one just leave blank) Fun Fact About Yourself

22 Do you have any questions about: Procedures? Consequences? Rules? Myself? The room? Anything on the walls? Orchard Knob Middle School? This school year?

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