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Unit 03: American Revolution

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1 Unit 03: American Revolution
Vocab Cards

2 Boycott  to refuse to buy items in order to show disapproval or force acceptance of one’s terms

3 Taxation  the action of taxing

4 Revolution  a fundamental change in political organization the overthrow of a government

5 the quality of state of being independent
Independence   the quality of state of being independent

6 system by which a nation increases its wealth  and power by obtaining from its colonies gold, silver, and other raw materials. It includes a favorable balance of trade. The colonies become a source of raw materials for the mother country. The colonies also are expected to be the purchasers of manufactured goods from the mother country. Mercantilism

7   British Parliament law; colonists were forbidden to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains, Britain wanted a buffer zone between the colonists and the Native Americans (reduce threat of violence) but the colonists wanted to settle the fertile Ohio River Valley Proclamation of 1763

8 Parliament passed a modified version of the Sugar and Molasses Act (1733), which was about to expire. Under the Molasses Act colonial merchants had been required to pay a tax of six pence per gallon on the importation of foreign molasses. Sugar Act 1764

9 Stamp Act 1765 required that all legal documents (e.g., diplomas, contracts, wills, newspapers) have an official stamp showing that a tax had been paid; British used this to generate revenue to help cover the cost of the French and Indian War; colonists react by rioting.

10 Townshend Acts 1767 Taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea were applied with the design of raising £40,000 a year for the administration of the colonies.

11 also known as the Coercive Acts); British reaction to the Boston Tea Party; closed the port of Boston until the tea was paid for, restructured Massachusetts government, troops quartered in Boston and British officials accused of crimes sent to England or Canada for trial; colonists reacted by boycotting British goods and First Continental Congress convenes Intolerable  Acts 1774

12 the quality of state of being independent
Boston Tea Party   the quality of state of being independent

13 These were colonists who remained loyal to the  British monarchy and disagreed with the Declaration of Independence Loyalists

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