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Peter Sloep, Jan van Bruggen Milano, December 2 & 3 2005 Pedagogical scenarios and learner assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Sloep, Jan van Bruggen Milano, December 2 & 3 2005 Pedagogical scenarios and learner assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Sloep, Jan van Bruggen Milano, December 2 & 3 2005 Pedagogical scenarios and learner assessment

2 Goal of WP2 problem... to model pedagogical scenarios for collaborative learning in virtual teams and to model the associated assessments in formats compliant with interoperability specifications proposed solution ‘The Virtual Company’

3 The Virtual Company “The Virtual Learning Company is a learning environment supported by information, communication and coordination technologies with the character of a simulated enterprise or firm. In it, teams of students or trainees work on authentic assignments and in doing so acquire a number of competencies that match their current competence needs.”

4 4 Pillars Competence based - focus on acquiring competencies, knowledge acquisition in service thereof Authentic assignment Collaborative - teamwork, division of labour Cyberspace - virtual learning and working environment






10 Why show this? We had good concept and a lousy implementation! clobbered together, using what was at hand no interoperability considerations no re-usability considerations But it was a prototype only, used to prove the educational viability of the concept both students and staff liked it!

11 Possible uses

12 Pseudo UML

13 Modelling a Virtual Company Competence modelling Modelling the company, i.e. authentic environment Modelling knowledge management Modelling project management Modelling the tooling Use Open Standards IMS (LD, QTI (extension)), W3C,...

14 lowest level building block

15 higher level building block

16 modellin g tool

17 backbone of IMS LS

18 Conclusion WP2 problem... to model pedagogical scenarios for collaborative learning in virtual teams and to model the associated assessments in formats compliant with interoperability specifications - IMS LD and IMS QTI (extended)

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