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Something about Betty: I want to ___ ____ _____ ( 告诉你关于 … 的 事 ) my best friend Betty. She is a slim girl. She has short hair. She is ___ __ ___ ____.

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Presentation on theme: "Something about Betty: I want to ___ ____ _____ ( 告诉你关于 … 的 事 ) my best friend Betty. She is a slim girl. She has short hair. She is ___ __ ___ ____."— Presentation transcript:



3 Something about Betty: I want to ___ ____ _____ ( 告诉你关于 … 的 事 ) my best friend Betty. She is a slim girl. She has short hair. She is ___ __ ___ ____ ______. ( 我好朋友之一 ) I want to ___ ____ _____ ( 告诉你关于 … 的 事 ) my best friend Betty. She is a slim girl. She has short hair. She is ___ __ ___ ____ ______. ( 我好朋友之一 ) tell you about one of my best Betty is generous. She __ ______ __ share things ____ her friends. She is also very helpful and __ _____ __ help people ___ ____. She helps me ____ my homework and when she is __ ___ ____, she always ____ ___ ____ __ people __ need. is willing is willingto with is ready to any time with on the bus gives her seat to in friends friends

4 Something about Betty: Betty ______ ___ ___ ___ ______ Betty ______ ___ ___ ___ ______ ( 想要当一名歌手 ) when she ______ ___ ( 长大 ) because she has a good voice. wants to be a singer grows up


6 Something about Max: I have a ________ ( 出色的 ) friend n_____ Max. He is very tall - a_____ 1.75 metres. He _____ ( 戴 ) small, r_____ g______ and they make him ____ _____ ( 看上去聪明的 ). wonderfulamed lmost wears lasses look smart look smartound

7 Something about Max: Max __________________________ ( 富有幽默感 ). I never ___________________ ( 觉得厌烦 或不开 心 ) when he _________ ( 与我在一起 ). He _______________ ( 富有幽默感 ). I never ___________________ ( 觉得厌烦 或不开 心 ) when he _________ ( 与我在一起 ). He _______________ ( 讲好笑的笑话 ) and always _____________ ( 使我开怀大笑 ). ( 讲好笑的笑话 ) and always _____________ ( 使我开怀大笑 ). has a good sense of humour feel bored or unhappy feel bored or unhappy is with me tells funny jokes makes me laugh makes me laugh

8 Something about Max: His legs ______ ( be ) very long and they ______ ( not fit ) under the school desks. When he w______ ______ ( pass / past ) the desks, he often k_____ our books and pens ___ ____ ____. He ___ ( be ) so funny. are don’t fit alks past nocks is the floor onto


10 Something about May: May is mu best friend. She is shorter than I am and is very small. she has ______ (直直的 ) hair and big bright eyes. Everyone ______ ( 认为 ) she is pretty. straight thinks

11 Something about May: May is a _____ ( 忠实的 ) friend. When something ______ ( 困饶我 ), I can always go to her. I can tell her ________ ( 任何事 ) because she can keep a s______. She is kind and never ____ ( say ) a bad word about ______ ( someone ). true worries anything ecret says anyone

12 1. She is one of my ___ (good) ______(friend). bestfriends e.g.  Max 是他班上最高的学生之一。 Max is one of the tallest students in his class. Max is one of the tallest students in his class.  这是最重要的会议之一。 It’s one of the most important meetings.

13 2. Is Betty willing to share things with her friends? Is she ready to help people in need any time? be willing to do sth.= be ready to do sth. e.g. 玛莉总是乐于助人。 Mary is always willing to help others.  你愿意为我保守秘密吗? Are you willing to keep a secret for me? Are you willing to keep a secret for me?

14 3. Max's glasses make him look smart. Max often tells funny jokes and makes us laugh. Max often tells funny jokes and makes us laugh. make sb./sth. + adj. ( 让 … 怎么样 ) make sb./sth. + adj. ( 让 … 怎么样 ) + do (让 … 做某事) + do (让 … 做某事) e.g. 他让我打扫教室。 这个消息让我开心。这个笑话让我大笑。 The news makes me happy. The joke makes me laugh. He makes me clean the classroom.

15 This film makes me __________.

16 4. bored boring boring The boring meeting made everyone feel very bored. The boring meeting made everyone feel very bored. (人感到)无聊,乏味 (某物) 令人无聊,乏味 e.g.  乏味的会议使大家都感到很无聊。

17 1. I like action films, because they are________. They all felt _____ when they got to the big farm. They all felt _____ when they got to the big farm. 2. No one saw the white frog. It was really an ________ frog. ________ frog. Everyone was_______when Tom came in. Everyone was_______when Tom came in. 3. We were ______ during the holiday because of the heavy rain. heavy rain. Don’t you think it’s______ when you say the same Don’t you think it’s______ when you say the same words as others ? words as others ? exciting excited amazing amazed boring boredexcitedexcitingamazedamazingboredboring

18 5. 选词填空 knock on knock on knock off knock off knock down knock down knock onto knock onto knock over knock over Bruce Lee __________ the man in 3 seconds. knockedA car ________ him _______ his bike yesterday________ the ground. knocks down off onto

19 5. knock  敲 -----  碰掉  撞倒  打翻  撞到 knock on / at knock sth. off sth. knock sb. down knock over sth. knock onto e.g.  Max 把我的玻璃杯从桌上碰掉了. Max knocked my glass off the table Max knocked my glass off the table  你把我的饮料打翻到地上了 ! You knocked over my drink onto the floor! You knocked over my drink onto the floor!

20 6. keep secrets for sb. 为某人保守秘密 为某人保守秘密 e.g.  你能为我保守秘密吗?  替朋友保守秘密是很重要的。 = keep a secret for sb. Can you keep secrets for me? It is important to keep secrets for friends.

21 Phrases: one of my friends be willing/ ready to do sth. a true friend grow up wear glasses have a good sense of humor make sb. do sth. feel bored 1. 我的朋友之一 2. 乐于做某事 3. 一个真诚的朋友 4. 长大 5. 戴眼镜 6. 很有幽默感 7. 使某人做某事 8. 感到厌烦

22 tell funny jokes knock sth. onto the floor something worries sb. something worries sb. say a bad word about sb. 9. 讲有趣的笑话 10. 把某物撞到地上 11. 某事困扰某人 12. 说某人的坏话

23 Fill in the blanks 1. Are you _______ (will) to sing an English song for us? 2. Maybe she is ready _________ (dance). 3.He will watch TV when he feels _____ (bore) at home. 4.He tells jokes and makes us _____ (laugh). 5.He plays the piano well. He’s one of ________(good) pianists. My best friends must ____ (keep) secrets for me. My best friends must ____ (keep) secrets for me. willing bored to dance laugh the best keep

24 Complete the sentences 1. 我们都喜欢历史老师因为他很有幽默感。 We all like our history teacher because he ________________________. We all like our history teacher because he ________________________. 2. 这本书很乏味因为它让我觉得无聊。 has a good sense of humor The book is very boring because it makes me bored. 3. 当你经过我的桌子时,请别把我的杯子撞到 地上。 Don’t ______ my cup ____ the ground Don’t ______ my cup ____ the ground when you _________ my table. when you _________ my table. knock onto walk past

25 4. 长长的直发使她看上去很漂亮。 The straight long hair _____________________. The straight long hair _____________________. 5. 我父亲愿意在任何时候帮助我。 6. 我愿意告诉我妈妈任何事情,因为她会替 我保守秘密。 I ______________________________ because _________________________. I ______________________________ because _________________________. makes her look beautiful My father is willing to help me any time. am ready to tell my mother anything she can keep secrets for me

26 7.--- 她经常讲别人的坏话吗? --- 不,从不。 --- 不,从不。 ___ she often ________________________ ? ___ she often ________________________ ? No, ________. No, ________. 8. 她长大了想当一名出色的教师。 She want to ______________________ when she ____________. She want to ______________________ when she ____________. Does say a bad word about others never be a wonderful teacher grows up

27 Homework: 1. Try to talk about the three students in the passage in your own words fluently. 2. Read and recite the words and phrases.

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