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The Lord Cares For His People Before The Walls Of Jericho.

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1 The Lord Cares For His People Before The Walls Of Jericho

2 Does the Lord take care of his children? Does the Lord take care of his children? Examples

3 Who was leading the children of Israel in desert for 40 years? Moses After Moses Died, Joshua became the leader. Joshua and the children of Israel where heading to a city called Canaan “ The Promised Land”

4 The city was surrounded by Jericho huge wall. The king of Jericho ordered his soldiers to close all the gates of city so the Israelites can not get in.

5 Joshua wasn’t sure what to do….so he went to pray to God. Suddenly an angel appeared to him When Joshua knew he is the angel of the Lord, he throw himself on the ground in worship and said, "I am your servant“ The angel of God said to him, "Take your sandals off, you are standing on holy ground." And Joshua did as he was told. Who can think of a person who heard words like these? Who can think of a person who heard words like these? Then Lord said to Joshua "See I have given Jericho to you, there is no need for fighting... just do what I will tell you do.

6 Then Joshua went to the Israelites and said to them the Lord told us what to do... We will march around the city, after the ark of the covenant, once a day for six days.…and on the seventh day, we will march around the city seven times. Also, on the seventh day, seven priests blow the trumpets as you march after the ark of the covenant. …and after the seventh march of the seventh day tell all of the men to give a loud shout. The wall of the city will fall down and the whole army will go into Jericho.

7 The children of Israel did as the Lord told Joshua. But, the soldiers of Jericho were looking from above the walls of their city laughing and making fun of the children of Israel and wondering what are these people doing?

8 The Israelites were so happy to see the wall of Jericho falling down and praised the Lord. The people of Israel entered the promised land, and the Lord gave them the city as He promised.

9 How the people of Israel took Jericho?  They used weapons?  Used their muscles/ strength  They were strong in the Lord? How can we be strong in God? Listen to him and obey him (Holy Bible) Talk to him (prayer) Take the holy communion What if we sinned or did something bad or not nice? What should we do?

10 Remember Pray with faith, and ask according to God’s will, and He will give us what we ask, if it is according to His will. We should learn from Joshua obedience and trusting in God. Nothing is impossible with God.


12 Veggie Tales Joshua and the walls of Jericho

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