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Loading Bibliographic Records Online and in Batch Pat Riva Romance Languages Cataloguer/ Bibliographic Database Specialist McGill University

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Presentation on theme: "Loading Bibliographic Records Online and in Batch Pat Riva Romance Languages Cataloguer/ Bibliographic Database Specialist McGill University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Loading Bibliographic Records Online and in Batch Pat Riva Romance Languages Cataloguer/ Bibliographic Database Specialist McGill University NAAUG 2001

2 Record Loading Situations 4 Batch: OCLC, Blackwell’s, LaserQuest CD-ROM, AG-Canada 4 Online: OCLC 4 Special Applications: External Processing: Pinyin, BBS ToC Loading production records into test files

3 Batch Loading Steps 4 p_file_01: Separates records by line feeds 4 p_file_02: Converts to Aleph Sequential format 4 p_file_08: Generic fix doc script processor p_manage_25: Fix & check wonderful analysis tool 4 p_manage_18: Loads records

4 Load Options in p_manage_18 4 Procedure: Add New vs. Update 4 Indexing: Full 4 Fix Routines: use fix_doc_notis_1_c to preserve multiple spaces in variable tags 4 Duplicate detection: UID tag and index 4 Cataloguer Name / Cataloguer Level 4 Character Conversion

5 .fix Script Files 4 In data_tab/import directory 4 Can add/delete fields or subfields 4 Can change MARC coding in fixed and variable fields 4 See Generic Fix Doc Script Specification handout for full list of operations

6 OCLC Online Server 4 Records exported individually - no "step 1" 4 Server replaces batch steps 2-4 and creates an ADM record 4 Tables to set up: tab_oclc in alephe/tab tab_fix in data_tab tab_doc_merge in data_tab

7 tab_oclc col.4: explicit link to tab_fix routine col.8: link to tab_doc_merge routine col.9: codes for field(s) to use in matching ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !!!!-!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!-!-!!-! 7535 AUT MGT10 02 2 7535 BIB MGU01 FIXOC N N 01 5

8 tab_fix for OCLC Server ! 1 2 3 !!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!> FIXOC fix_doc_do_file_08 oclc.fix FIXOC fix_doc_notis_1_c 4 "FIXOC" links these routines to tab_oclc 4 tab_fix can call p_file_08 processing 4 Includes "preserve spaces" fix 4 Any fix profile called "OCLC" is also run

9 tab_doc_merge !1 2 3 4 !!-!-!-!!!!! 01 1 Y ##### 01 2 N ##### 4 Merge profile 01 results in rejecting all fields from the incoming duplicate record 4 A new CAT field is still added

10 Where Online Differs from Batch 4 Immediate loading, control in Technical Services 4 Character conversion: use of char_conv.O routine is built-in 4 Duplicate detection options: do not need tag UID, can match on multiple fields 4 Can overlay, merge or reject duplicates based on tab_doc_merge profiles

11 Where Online Differs from Batch 4 Cataloguer Name: always OCLCxfer 4 Cataloguer Level: always 00 4 Optional creation of HOL and Items tables used: tab_z30 tab_mapping

12 Special Application 1 : Export/Import 4 Extract production records using p_print_03 using fix "include system number" to put Aleph ID into field 001 4 Have external processing done 4 Reload in batch: file_01/file_02/file_08 4 p_manage_18: update mode replace fields or replace record? fixes: preserve spaces and "inverse sysno"

13 Special Application 2 : Load Records into Test Database 4 Extract from production with p_print_03 in Aleph Sequential format No "include system number" fix 4 Copy file to test library scratch directory 4 Load with p_manage_18: "add new" Aleph tags are transferred also

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