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WORK REPORT APRIL / JUNE 2013 MONTEREY CHURCH OF CHRIST Presented by: Manuel Azucena and family El Salvador, Central America, Mission Team

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Presentation on theme: "WORK REPORT APRIL / JUNE 2013 MONTEREY CHURCH OF CHRIST Presented by: Manuel Azucena and family El Salvador, Central America, Mission Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 WORK REPORT APRIL / JUNE 2013 MONTEREY CHURCH OF CHRIST Presented by: Manuel Azucena and family El Salvador, Central America, Mission Team email:

2 April Church of Christ Ciudad Merliot  I was teaching topics about the family every Sunday of April, I teach 3 classes per Sunday. Ciudad Merliot is a small church located 45 minutes from my house, has around 25 members including childrens.

3 May Church of Christ La Palma, Chalatenango Chalatenango is a deparment located at the north of our country. Two hours away from my house, I was preaching some requirements about the family that God desires. I traveled every Saturday nigth, spent the nigth there with the local preacher and then the Sunday I was ready to preach!

4 June Church of Christ Miramonte I was visiting and preaching at this church all the sundays of june.

5 Biblical conferences I was teaching: “Evangelism, mission and vision of God” on june 8. I teach 4 classes about this duty. There were about 150 brothers and sisters from diferents churches.

6 Graduation of the school of preachers. We graduated 10 new preacher to work in the kingdom, 6 brothers and 4 sisters. Below rigth: teachers of the school. Below left: the current students and the graduates.

7 Radio Program I have been working with other brothers in a radio program called “Read the bible” and “Hope for life” We have a schedule to record the program and then we have recurring mettings to make changes.

8 During the week  Tuesday: I am teaching at San Martin Church of Christ  Thursday: I am teaching at Cojutepeque Church of Chirst  Friday: I am teaching in Santa Eduviges Church of Christ All with the same hour, from 6 to 7 pm * Saturday: Teaching all day at the school of preachers!

9 Thank you very much for all your love and support!

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