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11.05.2012, Bauru, Teacher Poly & Teacher Ulisses Audio Class!

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Presentation on theme: "11.05.2012, Bauru, Teacher Poly & Teacher Ulisses Audio Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 11.05.2012, Bauru, Teacher Poly & Teacher Ulisses Audio Class!

2 Audacity in the Classroom Present projects that can be developed with audio and install Audacity. Introduce the use of Audacity and Podcasting. Detailing the production of a podcast, with narration and illustration of a story. Develop activities to complement the content of the previous modules. Podcast will be the final product. The course is divided into four modules, whose objectives are described below: Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

3 Audacity in the Classroom Contents Introduction Using the software Important concepts Installing Audacity

4 Module 1 Audacity is a freeware software, that is, free to download and is used to record and edit audio files (voice, music or both).

5 Module 1 Why use Audacity? It’s a free software! It’s available for Mac, PC e Linux. It isn’t difficult to teach yourself fairly quickly. Most of what you learn in Audacity can be applied to other audio editing programs. Popular, updated frequently, and has good documentation and discussion boards online.

6 Module 1 Important Concepts PODCASTING: is a form of publishing digital media files (audio, video, photo, PPS, etc...) over the Internet through an feed RSS, allowing users to monitor their update. DIGITAL MEDIA: Generically, the term refers to any media that uses, as a medium, a computer or digital equipment to create, explore, terminate or continue a project that is supported by the Internet, on-line or off-line communication, Graphics production, video games.

7 Module 1 Installation Now that you've learned the features offered, the next step is to install the software "Audacity" on your computer and use all the audio features that the program offers!

8 Module 1 Installation Click on the link below and download the software! http://audacity.sourceforge. net/download/windows

9 Module 1 Installation After clicking in the download link, a screen will appear for you to install Audacity on your computer. Click the "Run".

10 Module 1 Installation A screen will appear (this option will depend on the security settings of your computer) asking you to confirm the operation. The Wizard Installation will start. The installation is simple, the kind we call “Next-Next”.

11 Module 1 Installation The next step asks you to read and accept the License Agreement. You can’t continue the installation until you have accepted the term. So click "I accept the agreement" and continue clicking “Next”.

12 Module 1 Installation Now you should see an window like this: Click “Next”.

13 Module 1 Installation Now you have to select the folder which Audacity will be installed. The Wizard will automatically create a folder called "Audacity" in your "Program Files". So unless you want to install it in another location, simply click "Next" again to continue. If you want to install Audacity in another location, click "Browse" to select the directory.

14 Module 1 Installation Click “Next” again, continue installing...

15 Module 1 Installation Now that the Wizard is ready to complete the installation of Audacity, click "Install" to start the installation process. This process will likely take a few seconds.

16 Module 1 Installation Clicking on "Finish" to complete the installation, Audacity will open soon after. You can also open it by its icon in the Audacity folder or on your Desktop:

17 Module 1 Installation At the first time you open Audacity, choose the language you want to use. Once you have selected the desired language, click "OK" to finish the opening of the program.

18 Module 1 Installation The Audacity interface will look like this one: Its features will be presented in Module II!

19 You finished the Module I (installation). Review the main concepts and get ready to develop the activities. See you on Module II!

20 Thank you! 11.05.2012, Bauru, Teacher Poly & Teacher Ulisses

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