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BUILD UPON H2020 – EE-2014-2015 #649727 Hrvoje Solman Croatian Green Building Council.

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Presentation on theme: "BUILD UPON H2020 – EE-2014-2015 #649727 Hrvoje Solman Croatian Green Building Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUILD UPON H2020 – EE-2014-2015 #649727 Hrvoje Solman Croatian Green Building Council

2 Suf fici ent What the hell Col labor ative In de Cent Col labor ative Eco no mic Col labor ative Inte res ting Po li Cy Be ha viour Suf fici ent What the hell Col labor ative In de cent Po li cy Eco no mic Col labor ative Inte res ting Po li Cy Be ha viour Suf fici ent What the hell Col labor ative In de cent Po li cy Ma king Col labor ative Inte res ting Po li Cy Be ha viour

3 Where we started: Need to improve our capacity and expertise at collaborative policy making Some GBCs more advanced Some less BUILD UPON in between

4 Horizon 2020 EE 9 - 2014/2015: Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures. Specific challenge: While public authorities have an important role to play to develop energy efficiency policies and plans, the latter require the full involvement of private stakeholders and the civil society for their effective implementation. However there is a general lack of capacity and coordination among those stakeholders to guarantee their full involvement and to effectively convert policies and plans into concrete actions

5 Version 2 of the national long-term strategies due April 2017 EU Energy Efficiency Directive, article 4. Building Renovation

6 Non-compliant Partially compliant Acceptable Best practice Brussels Capital Region Overall level of compliance with Article 4 N.B. No strategies were considered “best practice”. Overall, strategies do not set a clear, strategic path for the renovation of national building stocks.

7 JRC (Joint Research Centre) evaluation of Article 4

8 Steering Committee CSA (Coordination and Support Action) 2,35 M€ Support Coordination Advisory Board

9 CENTRAL PREMISE – A BIG SHIFT “commonly people focus on technical physical science solutions and organising events. They commonly fail to appreciate the core work of creating processes that bring together diverse people to be productive as a network that spurs development and implementation of solutions.”


11 BUILD UPON web launched September 21 2015

12 BUILD UPON web launched September 21 2015

13 The stakeholders


15 Clustered by category Spain 649727 — BUILD UPON — H2020-EE-2014-2015

16 Clustered by category Czech Republic

17 Clustered by category Italy

18 Clustered by category Croatia

19 Clustered by category Finland

20 Clustered by category Slovakia

21 Clustered by category Turkey

22 649727 — BUILD UPON — H2020-EE-2014-2015 Renowiki at the BUILD UPON web, Launched October 22 2015



25 Collaborative processes and Community Building learning at the BUILD UPON webpage Outside our sector, there are many organisations in many parts of the world finding innovative ways to come together and solve big problems. We've started to collect and explore some of the resources that capture this knowledge

26 BUILD UPON web launched September 21 2015

27 Innovation Incubator at the BUILD UPON webpage, work in progress

28 How do we expect it to end? Increased GBCs dialogue & collaboration facilitation capacity Community building All governments involved 1.000 stakeholders engaged V.2 EED art 4 National strategies definition Successful implementation of the strategies General public understanding and acceptance of deep renovation Deep renovation becoming a common practice

29 649727 — BUILD UPON — H2020-EE-2014-2015 Disclaimer: The sole responsibility of the content of this material lies with the authors. It does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union, and neither EASME or the European Commission are responsible for any use of it.

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