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NA1: Observational Infrastructure Networking EC Grant agreement n° 228319 H.O. Rucker 1, S. Miller 2, and M. Scherf 1 1 and IWF-Graz.

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Presentation on theme: "NA1: Observational Infrastructure Networking EC Grant agreement n° 228319 H.O. Rucker 1, S. Miller 2, and M. Scherf 1 1 and IWF-Graz."— Presentation transcript:

1 NA1: Observational Infrastructure Networking EC Grant agreement n° 228319 H.O. Rucker 1, S. Miller 2, and M. Scherf 1 1 and IWF-Graz team, OeAW, Austria 2 and UCL-London team, UK FP7 Europlanet RI Visit of EUROPLANET Project Scientist Dr. Vittorio Manno Nov. 30 – Dec. 1, 2009 – IWF Graz, Austria

2 The objectives of NA1 (WP nr. 2) under FP7 The main objective is to develop synergies between in-situ exploration and (remote) telescope observations. NA1 will support two general observation modes: Space Mission Complementary Science Observations Ground-based observations of potential targets to complement the scientific results of ESA space missions Space Mission Technical Supporting Observations Observations assisting the preparation or the operational stage of a planetary mission (e.g. identifying targets, instrument deployment) EC Grant agreement n° 2283192 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking

3 3EC Grant agreement n° 228319 NA1 working priorities: areas of interest (1) Planetary aurorae, planetary radio emissions, and planetary space weather: Infrared- and radio astronomy observations (2) (2)Small solar system objects: Astrometry, spectroscopy, stellar occultations, impact (meteoroid) effects (3) (3)Airless bodies in the solar system: Moon, Mercury, Ganymede, Europa NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking

4 EC Grant agreement n° 2283194 Task 1 Coordination (lead IWF, support UCL) – –Overall management and coordination of NA1 activities – –Monitoring and assessing progress of the whole NA1 – –Responsibility of workshop organisation – –Coordination of joint activities with several other astronomical infrastructure projects Task 2 Space mission monitoring (lead UCL, support IWF) – –Establishing cooperative links with European space missions that can be effectively supported and complemented by Earth-based observations – –Exploring of the potential for ground-based follow-up observations of key science questions and planetary phenomena Task 3 Ground-based facilities monitoring (lead IWF, support UCL) – –Providing the user community with interactive links to ground-based instrumentation, including major observatories, but also medium- and small- sized telescopes and instruments Task 4 Provision of communication forum (lead IWF, support UCL) – –Providing a framework of internal and external information exchange for the NA1 and Europlanet RI community NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking

5 EC Grant agreement n° 2283195 Tasks interrelation for all areas of interest Tasks interrelation for all areas of interest Planetary aurorae, radio emission, space weather Small solar system objects Airless bodies in the solar system Task 4: Communication Forum Task 3: Ground-based facilities Task 2: Space missions Task 1: NA1 Coordination NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking

6 EC Grant agreement n° 2283196 Deliverables of NA1 Month 6 (1) Webpage (Month 2) Month 6 (2) Organization of workshops (3) (3)Interactive matrix of space missions (Month 18) (4) Interactive matrix of ground-based facilities (Month 18) (5) Annual Report NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking

7 EC Grant agreement n° 2283197 NA1 time profile NA1 time profile NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking

8 EC Grant agreement n° 2283198 NA1 Budget (OeAW-IWF & UCL) NA1 Budget (OeAW-IWF & UCL) ♦ Personnel costs …………………................85,000.00 € ♦ Other direct costs………………………….168,500.00 € ♦ Overheads…………………………………....17.745,00 € -------------------- ♦ Requested EC contribution………….…...271.245,00 € (16 & 5 PM) (12+3 WS) NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking

9 EC Grant agreement n° 2283199 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Questionnaire - Investigation of interested people in NA1 people in NA1 and their areas of interest and their areas of interest - Over 500 scientists contacted, 73 responses contacted, 73 responses - 15 scientists interested in workshop organization workshop organization - Questionnaire available under

10 EC Grant agreement n° 22831910 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking The NA1 website Online since June 26, 2009

11 EC Grant agreement n° 22831911 NA1 Workshops NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Workshops and discussion panel in 2009: “Exoplanets: Ground & space-based characterization “Exoplanets: Ground & space-based characterization methods/projects“ methods/projects“ September 14-18,2009, Barcelona September 14-18,2009, Barcelona “Meteoroid effects on the hermean exosphere: “Meteoroid effects on the hermean exosphere: Observations, models and predictions for future missions“ Observations, models and predictions for future missions“ November 12-13, 2009, Graz November 12-13, 2009, Graz “Saturn Aeronomy: What observations do we need to make?“ “Saturn Aeronomy: What observations do we need to make?“ September 25, 2009, Bern September 25, 2009, Bern Europlanet FP7 project 2009-2012: 12+3 workshops (4 per key area + 3 additional workshops)

12 EC Grant agreement n° 22831912 NA1 Workshops NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking 5th European Meteor Workshop – Meteoroid effects on the Hermean exosphere: Observations, models and predictions for future missions - November 12-13, 2009, IWF-Graz - 12 attendees (NASA, ESA, Armagh Obs., INAF, IWF etc.) - Presentations including ground- and space-based facilities (Messenger, BepiColombo, Themis etc.) (Messenger, BepiColombo, Themis etc.)

13 EC Grant agreement n° 22831913 NA1 Workshops NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Exoplanets: Ground & Space based characterization methods/projects - September 14-18,2009, Barcelona during the Pathways Conference - 18 attendees (OBSPM, INAF, IAS, MPI, IWF etc.) - Presentations divided into 3 sections: ‘Exoplanet Roadmaps‘, ‘Future Missions‘, ‘Observations, Methods, Follow Up‘ Missions‘, ‘Observations, Methods, Follow Up‘ - Presentations about PLATO, SEE COAST, SIM Lite Astrometric Observatory etc. Observatory etc.

14 EC Grant agreement n° 22831914 NA1 Workshops NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Additional meetings, and discussion panels - “Saturn Aeronomy: What observations do we need to make?“ September 25, 2009, at ISSI in Bern September 25, 2009, at ISSI in Bern - NA1 Splinter Meeting, September 16, at EPSC, Potsdam - NA3 Public Outreach: Austrian Node Representative Meeting November 24, IWF, Graz November 24, IWF, Graz

15 EC Grant agreement n° 22831915 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Space mission monitoring Interactive data base: Development of a search engine with filters for mission target, launch and operation dates, instrument characteristics, research fields, contact addresses etc. Monitoring: Timelines for mission observations, identification of mission- critical periods when ground-based observations are required. Links to questionnaire: Mission PIs. Co-Is and team members identified; overlap with ground-based observations identified. Exploring connections with ground-based observations: Support, complementation, follow-up observations etc.

16 EC Grant agreement n° 22831916 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Ground-based facilities monitoring Interactive data base: Development of a search engine with filters for geographic position, telescope characteristics, research fields, contact addresses etc. Monitoring: Establishment of contacts, collection of contact addresses for European observatories and institutes; at present ~300 observatories – professional, amateur, popular; contact with amateur communities. Links to questionnaire: Scientists in cooperation with observatories, how can they support us? Exploring connections with space based missions: Support, complementation, follow-up observations etc.

17 EC Grant agreement n° 22831917 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Ground-based facilities monitoring Interactive data base: Development of a search engine with filters for geographic position, telescope characteristics, research fields, contact addresses etc. Monitoring: Establishment of contacts, collection of contact addresses for European observatories and institutes; at present ~300 observatories – professional, amateur, popular; contact with amateur communities. Links to questionnaire: Scientists in cooperation with observatories, how can they support us? Exploring connections with space based missions: Support, complementation, follow-up observations etc.

18 EC Grant agreement n° 22831918 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Points of discussion How could the scientific exchange and cooperation be strengthened (Task1/Task 4)? (i) How could the scientific exchange and cooperation be strengthened (Task1/Task 4)? - Development of a communication forum – maybe directly on NA1 website? - Cooperation with other working packages; e.g. JRA3 (development of general usable data archives etc.) - Establishing of online conferencing tools (e.g. go2meeting) How to elevate the effectiveness and accordingly the sustainability of Networking (ii) How to elevate the effectiveness and accordingly the sustainability of Networking Activities (Task 1)? Activities (Task 1)? - See also (i); Use of conferencing tools (just on implementation in Graz) - Efficiency in public outreach and information dissemination; Who has to be informed? Installation of adequate email lists, use of a matrix of participants - Application of the questionnaire (evaluation), formation of aforesaid ‘matrix of participants‘ - Compliance and circulation of NA1 and Europlanet guidelines for a faster and more efficient working progress - In addition and for future progress efforts for enhancement of effectiveness have to be taken into account

19 EC Grant agreement n° 22831919 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Points of discussion How to incorporate interested people into the project? What can they do? (iii) How to incorporate interested people into the project? What can they do? What can we do for them (Task 1/Task 4)? What can we do for them (Task 1/Task 4)? - Questionnaire and evaluation as a first step to involve interested scientists and amateurs into the project - Inclusion of scientists in ground/space-based monitoring; with which instruments/observatories are they working, who is available as a ‘scientific contact‘? - Looking for personal/direct conversations/contacts - Giving scientists motivation for personal efforts on NA1; What are their benefits (workshop participation, attendance in a scientific network)?

20 EC Grant agreement n° 22831920 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Points of discussion (iv)Ground- and space based monitoring matrices should go online PM18 (version 1). Which important features should be implemented (Task 2/Task 3)? (iv) Ground- and space based monitoring matrices should go online PM18 (version 1). Which important features should be implemented (Task 2/Task 3)? - What is important/necessary for the scientific community? - What is important/necessary for the scientific community? - Ground-based monitoring: Implementation of geographic position, postal address, - Ground-based monitoring: Implementation of geographic position, postal address, instrumentation, scientific areas of the observatory, scientific/administrative instrumentation, scientific areas of the observatory, scientific/administrative contact contact - Other parts of interest? How should an interactive data base work (search - Other parts of interest? How should an interactive data base work (search engine, searchable features,)? engine, searchable features,)? - Linkage between ground- and space based monitoring; implementation into one - Linkage between ground- and space based monitoring; implementation into one database? Synchronous ground/space-based observations? database? Synchronous ground/space-based observations?

21 EC Grant agreement n° 22831921 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Points of discussion (v)Aims for the future? What should be done in the next months? What should (v) Aims for the future? What should be done in the next months? What should be advanced? be advanced? - Completion of ground/space based monitoring (see also (iv)) - Discussion about future workshops (maybe one on European VLF sounding networks, one on lunar impact flashes?) - Website evolution; implementation of a ‘matrix of participants‘, ‘matrix of ground based observatories‘, ‘matrix of space based observatories‘ - Enhancement in effectiveness, scientific exchange and cooperation, incorporation of people as characterized in (i-iii)

22 EC Grant agreement n° 22831922 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Summary of Activities (2009) Task 1: Task 1: - Website online (June 2009) - Organization of 2 workshops, 1 Discussion Panel - Organization of a Public Outreach Meeting, November 24 (IWF Graz) - Organization of the NA1 splinter meeting, September 17 (EPSC Potsdam) - Development of a questionnaire (which were sent to over 500 scientists consisting of former N3 participants/associates, Europlanet FP6/FP7 participants, scientists of the last EGU meeting in Vienna 2009, and of the IAGA meeting in Sopron 2009) - Evaluation of the questionnaire Task 2: Task 2: - Activity has started to collect information on present and upcoming space missions - Space mission monitoring under development (version 1 until PM18)

23 EC Grant agreement n° 22831923 NA1: Observational Infrastructure NA1: Observational InfrastructureNetworking Summary of Activities (2009) Task 3: Task 3: - Start of the monitoring in April 2009 - Austria, Switzerland, Germany monitored accurately - Besides, around 300 observatories are monitored until now - Links to amateur communities were established - Observatories from all participating countries are monitored - Ground based monitoring under development (version 1 until PM18) Task 4: Task 4: - In 2009 a continuous internal and external information exchange for NA1 and Europlanet RI community was performed by email exchange and by several telephone calls/telecons between the different Networking Activities.

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