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 What do you know, if anything, about the book Their Eyes Were Watching God? JumpStart.

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Presentation on theme: " What do you know, if anything, about the book Their Eyes Were Watching God? JumpStart."— Presentation transcript:

1  What do you know, if anything, about the book Their Eyes Were Watching God? JumpStart


3  How has the definition of love changed over time? Essential Question

4  Pass out books  Pass out handouts Their Eyes Were Watching God

5 Setting Rhetorical Devices Characters Unknown words/ Vocab words Themes and Plot Annotation Code

6  Draw a HEART when the theme of love is shown Symbol Code  Draw a FEMALE / MALE gender symbol to show gender relationships. Whether it is positive or negative

7 Mini-Summary  A one sentence summary of what you read.  Must write one at the bottom of each book page.  Must include character names. Do not use-- he, she, they, them

8 Zora Neale Hurston Written in 1937 during the Great Depression Hurston was criticized for her book having no “theme”, being too racy for a woman and inappropriate.

9 Their Eyes Were Watching God Set in the 1920’s In Florida A coming-of-age novel

10 Janie Mae Crawford Extreme beautiful Mixed race Defies gender stereotypes She is defiant and very curious

11 Nanny Crawford Janie’s grandmother and caretaker Nanny’s experience as a slave stamped her world view Nanny and Janie constantly clash.

12 Logan Killicks Janie’s first husband Arranged marriage by Nanny Logan’s sole purpose to having a wife is to have a second farm hand.

13 Jody Stark (Joe) Janie’s second husband Politician and businessman Wants Janie for a “trophy”

14 Tea Cake Janie’s third husband He is 12 years younger than her Has a zest for life He is the only one that ever understands Janie However, he does have his faults…

15 Homework Check  You will receive 30 points for each reading assignment.  I will check it at the beginning of the class each morning  You must:  Have a complete annotation  A mini-summary at the bottom of every other book page and the last page of each chapter.

16  You will be given a quote quiz after each reading assignment. The only way to pass the quiz is to make sure you read the assigned sections. Quote Quizzes

17 Homework

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