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RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Temporal Flexibility in the Context of RGGI Nancy L. Seidman Massachusetts DEP.

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Presentation on theme: "RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Temporal Flexibility in the Context of RGGI Nancy L. Seidman Massachusetts DEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Temporal Flexibility in the Context of RGGI Nancy L. Seidman Massachusetts DEP

2 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Temporal Flexibility and Regional Cap Size Decisions Are Related

3 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Temporal Flexibility Mechanisms Banking Borrowing True-up Period Early Reductions

4 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Banking Benefits – Would allow facilities to carry-over unused allowances to future years. Challenges – Few

5 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Borrowing Benefits – Allows the use of future year allowances during the current year Challenges – Managing Default Risk – Administrative Complexities Allowance Tracking System capabilities? Interest Calculation?

6 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Borrowing Options Include Borrowing Do Not Include Borrowing Include Borrowing for a Narrow Set of Circumstances

7 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 True–up Period True-up period – a year minimum – longer? Benefits – Possible administrative savings – Spreading short-term demand over a longer timeframe Challenges – Inconsistent with other programs (e.g. Acid Rain)

8 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Credit for Early Reduction Benefit – Creating an incentive for early action Challenge – Designing requirement(s) for quantifying early reductions

9 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Possible Requirements for Quantifying Early Reductions Reductions must result from controlling an emission rate below the more stringent of: – A Facility’s Baseline – A Specified Average Emission Rate – Normalized for capacity utilization (e.g., accounting for weather related changes)

10 RGGI Stakeholder Meeting 6/24/04 Overarching Question Do states need to be consistent in their temporal flexibility rules?

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