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Unit 1: Test Review The Scientific Method Jeopardy Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 Science babyVariables Scientific Method General Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.

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2 Unit 1: Test Review The Scientific Method

3 Jeopardy Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 Science babyVariables Scientific Method General Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Q $500

4 $100 Question from Vocabulary 1 What does not change in an experiment is called a ______________.

5 $100 Answer from Vocabulary 1 Constant

6 $200 Question from Vocabulary 1 The information you collect during an experiment is called ______________.

7 $200 Answer from Vocabulary 1 Data

8 $300 Question from Vocabulary 1 The way something is explained or understood

9 $300 Answer from Vocabulary 1 Interpretation

10 $400 Question from Vocabulary 1 Define an Independent variable.

11 $400 Answer from Vocabulary 1 The part of an experiment that is changed and tested. Does not depend on anything

12 $500 Question from Vocabulary 1 What are the three things needed to have a testable question 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________

13 $500 Answer from Vocabulary 1 1.Observable 2.Measureable 3. Can create an experiment.

14 $100 Question from Vocabulary 2 Part of an experiment that varies (changes)

15 $100 Answer from vocabulary 2 Variable

16 $200 Question from Vocabulary 2 not having or showing an unfair reason to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others

17 $200 Answer from Vocabulary 2 unbiased

18 $300 Question from Vocabulary 2 A dependent Variable is…

19 $300 Answer from Vocabulary 2 The part of the experiment that is affected by the independent variable (what you are measuring or looking for). It depends on the independent variable.

20 $400 Question from Vocabulary 2 A hypothesis is…

21 $400 Answer from Vocabulary 2 An If and then testable predication Or assumption of what you think will occur

22 $100 Question from Measurement is the process of obtaining information by using the senses.

23 $100 Answer from measurement Observations

24 $200 Question from Measurement is an assumption or a prediction made from observations

25 $200 Answer from measurement Inference

26 $300 Question from measurement An observation that involves the appearance or quality of something

27 $300 Answer from measurement Qualitative

28 $400 Question from measurement Does fertilizer affect plant growth? IV?

29 $400 Answer from measurement Fertilizer

30 $500 Question from measurement A type of observation that involves a countable item or a number

31 $500 Answer from measurement Quantitative

32 $100 Question from Variables and Controls are tests of the quality, value, or usefulness of something

33 $100 Answer from Variables and Controls Trials

34 $200 Question from Variables and Controls Identify the independent variable: Mary is testing which cooking spray works best, PAM or Kroger brand. She bakes a banana bread with PAM and bakes another banana bread with the Kroger brand cooking spray and sees which sticks less.

35 $200 Answer from Variables and Controls Cooking Spray

36 $300 Question from Variables and Controls Identify the Dependent Variable: One tank of goldfish is fed the normal amount which is once a day; a second tank is fed twice a day; and a third tank is fed four times a day during a six-week study. The fishes’ body fat is recorded daily.

37 $300 Answer from Variables and Controls Fishes’ body fat

38 $400 Question from Variables and Controls Identify the independent Variable: One tank of goldfish is fed the normal amount which is once a day; a second tank is fed twice a day; and a third tank is fed four times a day during a six-week study. The fishes’ body fat is recorded daily.

39 $400 Answer from Variables and Controls Fish feeding

40 $500 Question from Variables and Controls What axis does the independent variable fall on?

41 $500 Answer from Variables and Controls X Axis

42 $100 Question from Scientific Method General True or False: If the experiment you have done turned out completely opposite from what you thought, you must prove answers or reasons your hypothesis is rejected in your conclusion using that data you’ve collected.

43 $100 Answer from Scientific Method General True

44 $200 Question from Scientific Method General Scientific ideas come from __________ findings during an investigation. A. traditional B. predicted C. expected D. Observed

45 $200 Answer from Scientific Method General D. Observed

46 $300 Question from Scientific Method General True or False: If your hypothesis was incorrect, then the experiment was a failure.

47 $300 Answer from Scientific Method General False Explain why in your conclusion using your data and be sure to reject your hypothesis.

48 $400 Question from Scientific Method General Identify mistakes made: Garry decides he wants to test which boils faster regular Coke or Diet Coke. He takes two pots one made of aluminum, another made from cast iron. He measures out 50 mL of regular coke and 100 mL of diet coke. He places both on the stove and turns one to medium heat and the other to medium high heat. He waits until the first one boils, turns off the stove. He does not collect any data.

49 $400 Answer from Scientific Method General TOO many variables! Different types of metal pots Different amounts of coke/diet coke One on medium, one on high heat Doesn’t wait for both to boil Doesn’t collect any data

50 $500 Question from Scientific Method General True or False: Data are the facts that you collect from your experiment, while the conclusion is your interpretation of what the data means.

51 $500 Answer from Scientific Method General True

52 Final Jeopardy How does the chewing gum affect how many cavities a person has? 1.Create a testable hypothesis 2.Design an experiment or a way to test this question (you have 3 mins to do so)

53 Final Jeopardy Answer (Answers will vary

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