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Never Leave the Family The tragic tale of two lovers Ethan J. Duxbury High School.

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1 Never Leave the Family The tragic tale of two lovers Ethan J. Duxbury High School

2 Exposition Patrick and his friend and fellow mafia member, Jonathan, enter a bar. Jonathan passes out, leaving Patrick to himself, when he sees Katie. He instantly falls in love with her and gets her number through the use of terrible pick up lines.

3 Rising Action They go on a few dates over the course of the next few weeks and Patrick feels on top of the world. Then Jonathan tells him the fateful news, “She’s the sheriff’s daughter”. They decide to tell the mafia boss that they are done with the business. Patrick tells Katie the whole story. Jonathan goes to tell the Boss that they quit.

4 Rising Action Patrick goes to meet the sheriff, who nearly shoots him on sight. They sit down and have dinner when a call comes through on Patrick’s walkie-talkie…

5 Climax “Help me!” screamed Jonathan’s voice. Patrick runs over to the mafia base, armed and dangerous. The sheriff, who wants both Patrick and the mafia boss dead, runs there with his deputy, Kurt Young. Patrick bursts into the room to find Jonathan tied up to a chair. The Boss is standing there with two body guards.

6 Falling Action The Boss shot Jonathan right in front of Patrick’s eyes. Before he could shoot the boss, the sheriff and deputy burst in the doors. This startled Patrick but did not stop him. He shot and killed the boss. Kurt, who was ordered to shot Patrick first, did this and killed him. The sheriff killed both body guards but was mortally wounded in the process.

7 Falling Action Kurt was the only survivor. Patrick sputtered out his last words, in reference to Katie, said to Kurt, “If you’ve got any soul, tell her I loved her and I’m so sorry.”

8 Catastrophe At the sheriff’s funeral he was made to look like a hero and Patrick, the villain. Katie knew this wasn’t the case. She spent three years searching for answers but could not find them. She killed herself. She just couldn’t handle the grief. Kurt wondered why he’d taken the shot on Patrick. He too, killed himself. Everyone who was part of the conflict had died.

9 The End

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