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#.1 SASH – Simulated ASH and other tools. #.2 OEMDB Optimizer Lab 128SASH performance$100,000$1500$500free SQL Tuning$100,000includedN/A Both$200,000$1500N/A.

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Presentation on theme: "#.1 SASH – Simulated ASH and other tools. #.2 OEMDB Optimizer Lab 128SASH performance$100,000$1500$500free SQL Tuning$100,000includedN/A Both$200,000$1500N/A."— Presentation transcript:

1 #.1 SASH – Simulated ASH and other tools

2 #.2 OEMDB Optimizer Lab 128SASH performance$100,000$1500$500free SQL Tuning$100,000includedN/A Both$200,000$1500N/A Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey 10 Machines with 4 processors and 1 database each 1 DBA OEM $5,000 per pack unlimited users $2,500 per pack with minimum named users

3 #.3 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Simulating ASH   ASH is new in 10g   ASH data exist since V7   Need Diagnostic Pack License    Collect it yourself   SASH – Simulated ASH   Graphical Monitor Consumes < 1% CPU for 10 active sessions (a lot)


5 #.5 5 ASH extra fields  v$session missing  V$session extras FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE v$sql.sql_id = sql_id QC_SESSION_ID QCSID v$px_session.sid=sid, serial# QC_INSTANCE_ID QCINST_ID v$px_session.sid=sid, serial# SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE PLAN_HASH_VALUE v$sqlstats.sql_id v$sqlstats.sql_id = sql_id (PLAN_HASH_VALUE = x$ksuse.KSUSESPH) XID v$transaction.ADDR = taddr FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE - find sql executions ROW_WAIT_ROW# LAST_CALL_ET - how long in current state

6 #.6 Simulating – Key Ideas  session_state = decode(WAIT_TIME, 0,'WAITING', 'ON CPU')  v$session where status='ACTIVE' and ON CPU : wait_time != 0 or Waiting : wait_class != 'Idle‘ select sysdate sample_time, decode(s.WAIT_TIME, 0,'WAITING','ON CPU') "SESSION_STATE" decode(s.WAIT_TIME, 0,'WAITING','ON CPU') "SESSION_STATE" /* plus other fields */ /* plus other fields */ from v$session s from v$session s where sid != ( select sid from v$mystat where rownum < 2 ) where sid != ( select sid from v$mystat where rownum < 2 ) and ( ( s.status='ACTIVE' and wait_time != 0 ) and ( ( s.status='ACTIVE' and wait_time != 0 ) or s.wait_class!='Idle' ) ; or s.wait_class!='Idle' ) ; 9i – join v$session and v$session_wait

7 #.7 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Sampling Method 7,8,9i, 10g select s.username, s.sid, s.serial#, s.sql_hash_value, decode(w.wait_time, 0, w.event, 'ON CPU'), w.p1 p1, w.p2 p2, w.p3 p3 select s.username, s.sid, s.serial#, s.sql_hash_value, decode(w.wait_time, 0, w.event, 'ON CPU'), w.p1, w.p2, w.p3 select s.username, s.sid, s.serial#, s.sql_hash_value, decode(w.wait_time, 0, w.event, 'ON CPU'), w.p1, w.p2, w.p3 from v$session s, v$session_wait w where w.sid=s.sid and s.status='ACTIVE' and s.type='USER' / from v$session s, v$session_wait w where w.sid=s.sid and s.status='ACTIVE' and s.type='USER' /

8 #.8 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Sampling v$session10g select username, sid, serial#, sql_hash_value, decode(wait_time, 0, event, 'ON CPU'), p1,p2, p3 from v$session where status='ACTIVE' and name not in ( select event from v$event_name where wait_class='Idle' ) / select username, sid, serial#, sql_hash_value, decode(wait_time, 0, event, 'ON CPU'), p1,p2, p3 from v$session where status='ACTIVE' and name not in ( select event from v$event_name where wait_class='Idle' ) /

9 #.9 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Example of Sampled Data From the above query we get output like USERNAME SID SERIAL HASH_VALUE EVENT P1 P2 P3 -------- --- ------ ---------- ----------------- -------- ------- --- SYS 64 8717 4116021597 PL/SQL lock timer 300 0 0 SYS 58 19467 961168820 ON CPU 16508152 1 0 STARGUS 71 6251 1311875676 direct path write 201 2155902 127 (CJQ0) 9 1 0 rdbms ipc message 500 0 0 Session SQL Wait USERNAME SID SERIAL HASH_VALUE EVENT P1 P2 P3 -------- --- ------ ---------- ----------------- -------- ------- --- SYS 64 8717 4116021597 PL/SQL lock timer 300 0 0 SYS 58 19467 961168820 ON CPU 16508152 1 0 STARGUS 71 6251 1311875676 direct path write 201 2155902 127 (CJQ0) 9 1 0 rdbms ipc message 500 0 0 USERNAME SID SERIAL HASH_VALUE EVENT P1 P2 P3 -------- --- ------ ---------- ----------------- -------- ------- --- SYS 64 8717 4116021597 PL/SQL lock timer 300 0 0 SYS 58 19467 961168820 ON CPU 16508152 1 0 STARGUS 71 6251 1311875676 direct path write 201 2155902 127 (CJQ0) 9 1 0 rdbms ipc message 500 0 0

10 #.10 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Example of Sampled Data From the above query we get output like USERNAME SID SERIAL HASH_VALUE EVENT P1 P2 P3 -------- --- ------ ---------- ----------------- -------- ------- --- SYS 64 8717 4116021597 buffer busy wait 4 2465 220 Wait file block Type USERNAME SID SERIAL HASH_VALUE EVENT P1 P2 P3 -------- --- ------ ---------- ----------------- -------- ------- --- SYS 64 8717 4116021597 buffer busy wait 4 2465 220 USERNAME SID SERIAL HASH_VALUE EVENT P1 P2 P3 -------- --- ------ ---------- ----------------- -------- ------- --- SYS 64 8717 4116021597 buffer busy wait 4 2465 220 SQL Session

11 #.11 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey V1 - SASH - Simulating ASH   Install (UNIX only)  Automatically collects  Every 3 secs  v$session_wait + v$session  10g just uses v$session – faster  Every Hour collects  Top 20 SQL text  Top 20 SQL explain plans  Top 20 SQL stats  Top 20 Object names (not enabled)  Keeps 7 days, purges rest Needs Partitioning Option

12 #.12 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SASH - Architecture # REPOSITORY REPO_SCHEMA=sash REPO_PW=sash REPO_SID=cdb REPO_PORT=1521 #TARGET TARG_SCHEMA=sys TARG_PW="sys as sysdba" TARG_HOST=`hostname` TARG_SID=$ORACLE_SID TARG_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME Define once And leave in script

13 #.13 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SASH - Architecturerepository target target target target Targets run jobs to insert data over db link oracle

14 #.14 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SASH - Architecturerepository ASH data partitioned by DBID of Target Day of Week Makes purge fast Make queries fast

15 #.15 V2 SASH   Installs on any platform (no longer UNIX only)  Installs on Standard Edition  Uses “poor mans partitioning”  “v$active_session_history” is a union on SASH1-SASH7  Purging done by truncating the oldest SASH1-7 table Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey

16 #.16 V2 SASH Repository  repo_0_user.sql  optional example of create the “sash” user on repository (as SYS or SYSTEM)  repo_1_tables.sql  install schema on repository database (run as SASH user) Monitored Database  targ_1_pkg.sql  install package database to be monitored (run as or sys)  targ_2_jobs.sql  start up collection in a job Optionally  repo_2_pkg.sql  Install purge procedure (on repository)  repo_3_jobs.sql  Run purge in job (on repository) Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey

17 #.17 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SASH - Architecturerepository target target target target Targets run jobs to insert data over db link repo_0_user.sql repo_1_tables.sql repo_2_pkg.sql repo_3_jobs.sql targ_1_pkg.sql targ_2_jobs.sql targ_1_pkg.sql targ_2_jobs.sql targ_1_pkg.sql targ_2_jobs.sql targ_1_pkg.sql targ_2_jobs.sql Oracle as SASH user Everything else as SYS or SYSTEM

18 #.18 Notes on Data Mining Now data extraction: S-ASH creates a view v$active_session_history  scripts are thus compatible with 10g ASH scripts  repo_4_waitgroups.sql  To be fully compatible with 10g ASH scripts  set up a simulated wait groups (don’t exist before 10g)  repo_5_curdb.sql  change the DBID in v$active_session_history view  S-ASH can collect data from multiple databases  To keep scripts compatible with 10g ASH scripts I define a filter on DBID in the view v$active_session_history Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SQL> @repo_5_curdb HOST------------------------------SFLKHAI01TORKHAI01ROMKHAI01 Enter value for host: SFLKHAI01 1 row deleted. 1 row created.

19 #.19 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey S-ASH – All DBs @actallsum HOST ASL GRAPH --------------- ---------- ----------------------- # of cpus ----1----2----3----4--- bsn08 1.83 +++------2- control1 1.82 ++-------2- cont01 1.28 +----- 2 bsn02.68 ++-- 4 tsukuba10.53 -- 2 limerock.13 2 bsn03.06 4 devnode.02 1 @actallsum HOST ASL GRAPH --------------- ---------- ----------------------- # of cpus ----1----2----3----4--- bsn08 1.83 +++------2- control1 1.82 ++-------2- cont01 1.28 +----- 2 bsn02.68 ++-- 4 tsukuba10.53 -- 2 limerock.13 2 bsn03.06 4 devnode.02 1

20 #.20 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Simulating ASH – All DB Details @actall HOST EVENT ASL CNT ---------- ----------------------------------- ------- ---------- bsn02 local write wait.00 1 buffer busy waits.01 5 db file sequential read.01 6 log file sync.01 10 write complete waits.04 36 free buffer waits.17 135 CPU.19 153 ------------------ ------- Sum.44 bsn08 buffer busy waits.02 26 log buffer space.04 47 log file sync.04 47 enqueue.05 52 db file scattered read.10 108 rdbms ipc reply.13 134 local write wait.15 160 db file sequential read.27 281 direct path write.30 309 direct path read.32 336 CPU.38 401 ------------------ ------- Sum 1.38 @actall HOST EVENT ASL CNT ---------- ----------------------------------- ------- ---------- bsn02 local write wait.00 1 buffer busy waits.01 5 db file sequential read.01 6 log file sync.01 10 write complete waits.04 36 free buffer waits.17 135 CPU.19 153 ------------------ ------- Sum.44 bsn08 buffer busy waits.02 26 log buffer space.04 47 log file sync.04 47 enqueue.05 52 db file scattered read.10 108 rdbms ipc reply.13 134 local write wait.15 160 db file sequential read.27 281 direct path write.30 309 direct path read.32 336 CPU.38 401 ------------------ ------- Sum 1.38

21 #.21 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SASH – DB Detailed AAS @act Analysis Begin Time : 2007-07-24 11:04:48 Analysis End Time : 2007-07-24 11:19:45 Start time, mins ago: 15 Request Duration : 15 Collections : 528 Data Values : 3327 Elapsed Time: 15 mins WAIT_EVENT CNT % Active Ave_Act_Sess -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------ latch free 10.3.02 log buffer space 13.39.02 buffer busy waits 14.42.03 db file scattered read 15.45.03 library cache pin 78 2.34.15 log file sync 213 6.4.4 ON CPU 726 21.82 1.38 enqueue 855 25.7 1.62 db file sequential read 1399 42.05 2.65 ------------ sum 6.3 @act Analysis Begin Time : 2007-07-24 11:04:48 Analysis End Time : 2007-07-24 11:19:45 Start time, mins ago: 15 Request Duration : 15 Collections : 528 Data Values : 3327 Elapsed Time: 15 mins WAIT_EVENT CNT % Active Ave_Act_Sess -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------ latch free 10.3.02 log buffer space 13.39.02 buffer busy waits 14.42.03 db file scattered read 15.45.03 library cache pin 78 2.34.15 log file sync 213 6.4.4 ON CPU 726 21.82 1.38 enqueue 855 25.7 1.62 db file sequential read 1399 42.05 2.65 ------------ sum 6.3

22 #.22 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SASH – AAS over time @aveact TM NPTS AVEACT GRAPH CPU WAITS ---------------- ------ ------- ---------------------- ---- ----- 06-AUG 13:00:00 270.33 +- 2 29 59 06-AUG 14:00:00 1040 2.24 ++--------2--- 341 1984 06-AUG 15:00:00 623 6.67 ++++------2---------- 438 3718 06-AUG 16:00:00 1088 2.59 ++--------2---- 335 2486 06-AUG 17:00:00 1104 1.26 ++----- 2 349 1043 06-AUG 18:00:00 1093 1.38 +++---- 2 663 842 06-AUG 19:00:00 1012 1.74 ++------- 2 373 1388 06-AUG 20:00:00 1131.99 +---- 2 304 820 06-AUG 21:00:00 1111 1.22 ++----- 2 344 1012 06-AUG 22:00:00 1010 1.66 ++------ 2 414 1259 06-AUG 23:00:00 1120 1.08 +---- 2 298 913 07-AUG 00:00:00 1024.83 +--- 2 273 576 07-AUG 01:00:00 1006 1.74 ++------- 2 319 1428 07-AUG 02:00:00 1090 2.47 ++--------2---- 347 2345 07-AUG 03:00:00 687 6.59 +++-------2---------- 382 4142 07-AUG 04:00:00 1004 1.95 ++++++--- 2 1299 659 07-AUG 05:00:00 1104 3.08 +++++-----2------ 1170 2226 07-AUG 06:00:00 1122 1.91 +++++++-- 2 1582 558 07-AUG 07:00:00 1115 1.06 +++--- 2 559 618 07-AUG 08:00:00 1140.81 ++-- 2 403 519 07-AUG 09:00:00 1128.88 ++--- 2 386 601 @aveact TM NPTS AVEACT GRAPH CPU WAITS ---------------- ------ ------- ---------------------- ---- ----- 06-AUG 13:00:00 270.33 +- 2 29 59 06-AUG 14:00:00 1040 2.24 ++--------2--- 341 1984 06-AUG 15:00:00 623 6.67 ++++------2---------- 438 3718 06-AUG 16:00:00 1088 2.59 ++--------2---- 335 2486 06-AUG 17:00:00 1104 1.26 ++----- 2 349 1043 06-AUG 18:00:00 1093 1.38 +++---- 2 663 842 06-AUG 19:00:00 1012 1.74 ++------- 2 373 1388 06-AUG 20:00:00 1131.99 +---- 2 304 820 06-AUG 21:00:00 1111 1.22 ++----- 2 344 1012 06-AUG 22:00:00 1010 1.66 ++------ 2 414 1259 06-AUG 23:00:00 1120 1.08 +---- 2 298 913 07-AUG 00:00:00 1024.83 +--- 2 273 576 07-AUG 01:00:00 1006 1.74 ++------- 2 319 1428 07-AUG 02:00:00 1090 2.47 ++--------2---- 347 2345 07-AUG 03:00:00 687 6.59 +++-------2---------- 382 4142 07-AUG 04:00:00 1004 1.95 ++++++--- 2 1299 659 07-AUG 05:00:00 1104 3.08 +++++-----2------ 1170 2226 07-AUG 06:00:00 1122 1.91 +++++++-- 2 1582 558 07-AUG 07:00:00 1115 1.06 +++--- 2 559 618 07-AUG 08:00:00 1140.81 ++-- 2 403 519 07-AUG 09:00:00 1128.88 ++--- 2 386 601

23 #.23 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SASH – AAS over time with waits @aveactn TO_CHAR(STA AAS AAS1 FIRST AAS2 SECOND GRAPH ----------- ------- ----- --------------- ----- --------------- ------------------------ 06 13:00:00.30.11 db file sequent.10 CPU - 2 06 14:00:00 2.24.87 direct path wri.49 log file sync ++--------2--- 06 15:00:00 6.67 2.07 direct path wri 1.93 log file sync ++++------2---------- 06 16:00:00 2.59 1.01 direct path wri.57 log file sync ++--------2---- 06 17:00:00 1.26.63 log file sync.32 CPU ++----- 2 06 18:00:00 1.38.61 CPU.45 log file sync +++---- 2 06 19:00:00 1.86.97 log file sync.39 CPU ++------- 2 06 20:00:00.99.38 log file sync.27 CPU +---- 2 06 21:00:00 1.22.57 log file sync.31 CPU ++----- 2 06 22:00:00 1.66.81 log file sync.41 CPU ++------ 2 06 23:00:00 1.08.49 log file sync.27 CPU +---- 2 07 00:00:00.83.37 log file sync.27 CPU +--- 2 07 01:00:00 1.74.96 log file sync.31 CPU ++------- 2 07 02:00:00 2.48 1.21 direct path wri.52 log file sync ++--------2---- 07 03:00:00 6.59 2.63 direct path wri 1.58 log file sync +++-------2---------- 07 04:00:00 1.95 1.29 CPU.27 log file sync ++++++--- 2 07 05:00:00 3.08 1.05 CPU.83 enqueue +++++-----2------ @aveactn TO_CHAR(STA AAS AAS1 FIRST AAS2 SECOND GRAPH ----------- ------- ----- --------------- ----- --------------- ------------------------ 06 13:00:00.30.11 db file sequent.10 CPU - 2 06 14:00:00 2.24.87 direct path wri.49 log file sync ++--------2--- 06 15:00:00 6.67 2.07 direct path wri 1.93 log file sync ++++------2---------- 06 16:00:00 2.59 1.01 direct path wri.57 log file sync ++--------2---- 06 17:00:00 1.26.63 log file sync.32 CPU ++----- 2 06 18:00:00 1.38.61 CPU.45 log file sync +++---- 2 06 19:00:00 1.86.97 log file sync.39 CPU ++------- 2 06 20:00:00.99.38 log file sync.27 CPU +---- 2 06 21:00:00 1.22.57 log file sync.31 CPU ++----- 2 06 22:00:00 1.66.81 log file sync.41 CPU ++------ 2 06 23:00:00 1.08.49 log file sync.27 CPU +---- 2 07 00:00:00.83.37 log file sync.27 CPU +--- 2 07 01:00:00 1.74.96 log file sync.31 CPU ++------- 2 07 02:00:00 2.48 1.21 direct path wri.52 log file sync ++--------2---- 07 03:00:00 6.59 2.63 direct path wri 1.58 log file sync +++-------2---------- 07 04:00:00 1.95 1.29 CPU.27 log file sync ++++++--- 2 07 05:00:00 3.08 1.05 CPU.83 enqueue +++++-----2------

24 #.24 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Aveact.sql

25 #.25 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey “-” = WAIT “+” = CPU which waits ? -> aveactn.sql

26 #.26 Aveactn.sql Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey

27 #.27 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey SASH – SQL longest running @ @longsql.sql START_TIME COUNT(*) SQL_ID FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE TOPN ------------ ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- JUN-01 02:00 29 795857215 34254 1 JUN-01 02:00 29 795857215 34547 1 JUN-01 02:00 29 986013188 34305 1 JUN-01 02:15 105 452165714 35961 1 JUN-01 02:15 102 866152581 35999 2 JUN-01 02:30 119 2586830956 39017 1 JUN-01 02:30 109 452165714 39130 2 @ @longsql.sql START_TIME COUNT(*) SQL_ID FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE TOPN ------------ ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- JUN-01 02:00 29 795857215 34254 1 JUN-01 02:00 29 795857215 34547 1 JUN-01 02:00 29 986013188 34305 1 JUN-01 02:15 105 452165714 35961 1 JUN-01 02:15 102 866152581 35999 2 JUN-01 02:30 119 2586830956 39017 1 JUN-01 02:30 109 452165714 39130 2 Using v$session fixed_table_sequence and sql_hash

28 #.28 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey ASHMON a free “OEM-lite”   Windows application  Monitors Oracle 10g or 11  Show “Top Activity” page from OEM Note: Can be used on any version of Oracle with performance repository available on

29 #.29 ASHMON 06/05/08

30 #.30 Swingbench  Simulated DB activity 

31 #.31 ASHMON  Aggregates  Drilldowns  Time Slicing  Guidance 31 1/15/2016

32 #.32 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey CPU > Max CPU

33 #.33 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Radical Change in Profile

34 #.34 $5K/CPU Oracle Database = Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey OEMASHMON DB Optimizer HSQL – local DB licensedsys/systemV$active_session_history FreesashV$active_session_history Free $1500 unlimited

35 #.35 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Quest – Performance Analyzer  Good interface  SGA direct access only  Good – fast, low impact  Bad – difficult to install and administer

36 #.36 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Quest

37 #.37 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Quest

38 #.38 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Symantec’s I3  End to End monitoring  Right Data  Complicated to Install and administer

39 #.39 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Symantec

40 #.40 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Symantec I3

41 #.41 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Symantec I3

42 #.42 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Lab 128  Easy  Fast  Cheap  Great data analysis  Collects right information  Complicated interface - “Geeks tool”  No Analysis

43 #.43 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Confio’s Ignite

44 #.44 DB Optimizer Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey

45 #.45 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Lab128

46 #.46 Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey Summary Tools Tools  Quest Performance Analyst  Confio’s Ignite  Symantec’s I3  Lab128  DB Optimizer Free but no graphics  SASH  Your custom queries  Simulated ASH

47 #.47 OEMDB Optimizer Lab 128SASH performance$100,000$1500$500free SQL Tuning$100,000includedN/A Both$200,000$1500N/A Copyright 2006 Kyle Hailey 10 Machines with 4 processors and 1 database each 1 DBA OEM $5,000 per pack unlimited users $2,500 per pack with minimum named users

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