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Karla Corella Chavarría. Why did I choose this topic? It is on the MEP syllabus. You can implement many activities to teach something that for our students.

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Presentation on theme: "Karla Corella Chavarría. Why did I choose this topic? It is on the MEP syllabus. You can implement many activities to teach something that for our students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karla Corella Chavarría

2 Why did I choose this topic? It is on the MEP syllabus. You can implement many activities to teach something that for our students is boring.

3 OBJECTIVE SWBAT produce short texts using the simple past tense.

4 Warm Up One day… Students form a circle. They throw a ball to each other. The student who has the ball in his/her hand has to complete the sentence “One day” using the past tense. Introduce the topic

5 Pre-Activities: 1. To explain the topic. 2. Students have to pick up a verb and match them with the presents verbs pasted on the board. 3. What did you do last night? Pictures

6 During activities: 1. Go fishing 2. Choose one story and complete it using the past tense. 3. Share the stories with their partners.

7 P Post activities: Produce a story. Share the story using drawings.

8 Recomendations 1. In order to explain the simple past tense is better... Wh + did ­+ sub + verb in present + comp (optional) Wh + did ­+ sub + simpleform of the verb + comp (optional). 2. When students have to share, ask for volunteers. 3. Instead of say “ I need you” is better to say “ can you”

9 How did I feel? Stressed. Nervous At the end, I felt a peace.



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