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CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 Modeling & Simulating Appearance Models Light Light Sources Shapes Materials Interfaces: Reflection and texture.

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Presentation on theme: "CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 Modeling & Simulating Appearance Models Light Light Sources Shapes Materials Interfaces: Reflection and texture."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 Modeling & Simulating Appearance Models Light Light Sources Shapes Materials Interfaces: Reflection and texture models Medium: Atmospheric scattering models Camera Lens and film Simulation Illumination

2 CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 The Goals of Rendering Goals Accurate physical simulation (perfect match) Artistic or expressive (tell a story) Informative or useful (visualize some data) Approaches Physical simulation of light Graphics design and communication Perception and cognition

3 D. Enright, S. Marschner, R. Fedkiw

4 CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 Ralph Goings

5 Richard Estes


7 CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 The Nature of Realism Café Express Richard Estes, 1975 Oil on canvas Intigra Engine Kevin Hulsey

8 Highlighting From Gooch and Gooch

9 Photograph of the right hip bone (lateral aspect). Johannes W. Rohen and Chihiro Yokochi. Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body, Igaku-Shoin, 1993. Visualizing Anatomy A photographic depiction captures the exact appearance of the object as we actually see it Subtle, complex details of coloration and texture are fully represented, with great accuracy

10 Color drawing of the same subject. Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 11th English edition, vol. 2, edited by Jochen Staubesand, translated and edited by Anna N. Taylor, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1990. A drawing offers the possibility to clarify structural or conceptual information that may be difficult to perceive in even a very good photo.

11 CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 Perception Visual cues (space or depth perception) Motion Shape Binocular stereo Occlusion and silhouettes Linear perspective and foreshortening Shading Textures Shadows Aerial perspective: desaturation & blurring Transparency

12 CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 Adaptive histogramWith glare, contrast, blur P. Debevec and J. Malik

13 CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 Beck Illusion From J. Beck, Surface Color Perception, p.156

14 CS348B Lecture 18Pat Hanrahan, Spring 2005 Material Recognition People recognize materials more easily under natural illumination than simplified illumination. Illusion due to Ted Adelson

15 DeCarlo, Finkelstein, Rusinkiewicz, Santella, Suggestive contours for conveying shape, SIGGRAPH 2003

16 From V. Interrante

17 Abnormally colored objects Normally colored objects The turning road, Andre Derain S. Zeki and L. Marini

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