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Europe Adriatic SEA-WAY Presentazione progetti pilota e analisi sulla progettualità futura sul tema della mobilità delle persone nell’area Adriatico-Ionica.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe Adriatic SEA-WAY Presentazione progetti pilota e analisi sulla progettualità futura sul tema della mobilità delle persone nell’area Adriatico-Ionica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe Adriatic SEA-WAY Presentazione progetti pilota e analisi sulla progettualità futura sul tema della mobilità delle persone nell’area Adriatico-Ionica Attività relative al WP5 Sviluppo di modelli di trasporto sostenibile di passeggeri Trieste, 3 dicembre 2015

2 WP5 Objectives … in line with the Strategies of the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region (2 nd Pillar)

3 WP5 Actions Focus on Infomobility Passenger transport terminal services

4 Cross-Border Agreements Road Maps & Action Plans Common identified priority goals Cross-border Agreements ICTSea linesServices to passengersMaritime passengers’ Observatory…….

5 TitleADRIATIC-IONIAN MARITIME PASSENGER TRANSPORT OBSERVATORY (AIMPTO) General Objectives To cooperate for a joint policy and to promote ‘Adriatic-Ionian’ as a destination in whole Specific Objectives 1)Standardisation of administrative procedures and of legal framework 2)Removal of physical and virtual barriers and blocks that hinder accessibility of information. Synergy and standard data collection, data solutions, assessments and dissemination on priorities for people mobility 3)To be the ‘exchange hub’ for the collection and spreading of Best Practices on passenger and freight transport Other possible Objectives:  Acting as a collector of the needs and priorities of the A-I basin - in relation to passenger transport, offering common and shared solutions  A.-I. basin promotion in relation to passenger transport  Monitoring EU different calls Beneficiaries (members’ network) A-I Region administrations Port Authorities Local/city administrations Development agencies Universities & research institutes Economic actors Local logistics and transport sector players (services to tourism, travel, shipping, logistics, etc.) Legal ProfileEEIG - European Economic Interest Grouping FundingEU projects, PPP; membership fee and contributions

6 Thanks ! Informest (EA SEA-WAY Project FB1)

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