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UNFCCC Seminar on the development and transfer of EST for adaptation to climate change Identification of adaptation measures and related technologies in.

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Presentation on theme: "UNFCCC Seminar on the development and transfer of EST for adaptation to climate change Identification of adaptation measures and related technologies in."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNFCCC Seminar on the development and transfer of EST for adaptation to climate change Identification of adaptation measures and related technologies in the SNC of Uruguay UNFCCC Seminar on the development and transfer of EST for adaptation to climate change 14-16 June, 2005 Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago Climate Change Unit National Environment Directorate Ministry of Housing, Territorial Regulation and Environment

2 Uruguay’s Second National Communication F Prepared within the framework of the “Institutional Strengthening for the Preparation of Uruguay’s Second National Communication to the Conference of the Parties in the UNFCCC” project - Funded by GEF F Using the new Guidelines approved in COP-8 for the preparation of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention F Submitted in May 2004 and presented during the 20th Subsidiary Bodies meetings (First National Communication submitted in December 1997)

3 Chapter on Measures to implement the Convention: Program of General Measures for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (PMEGEMA) Program of General Measures for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (PMEGEMA) in Uruguay F Objective: To identify a set of measures oriented to reduce net emissions of GHG and to facilitate adaptation to climate change. F Prepared by sectoral and cross-sectoral specialists with the active participation of working groups, including representatives from national and local organizations. F Process done in permanent consultation with stakeholders from governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as private and academic representatives.

4 Ministerial Interest The MVOTMA has declared of Ministerial Interest the implementation of the measures contained in the PMEGEMA (R.M.420/2003, 26 November 2003) MITIGATION measures for the following MITIGATION measures for the following sectors: u Agriculture u Forestry u Waste u Energy u Transportation

5 ADAPTATION measures It also includes vulnerability analysis and ADAPTATION measures for the following sectors: u Agriculture u Biodiversity u Coastal Resources u Water Resources u Fishery Resources u Human Health

6 Adaptation Measures Agriculture To improve seed banks by producing genetic material adapted to most likely climate scenarios To promote sustainable soil management Biodiversity Monitoring change of main ecosystems Delimitation, implementation and management of Protected Areas

7 Adaptation Measures Water Resources Incorporate the climate change variable in specific projects regarding hydraulic works Formulate and propose for approval an effective national water policy and promote the integrated management of water resources Coastal Resources To promote management of coastal area in an integrated manner Establishment of a systematic monitoring system for surge and beach profiles Study and recuperation of degraded coastal areas

8 Adaptation Measures Fishery Resources Monitoring of oceanographic and fishery variables Sea farming: sowing of lagoons with shrimp post larvae and subsequent harvesting Increment controls to prevent residual water dumping in coastal areas Human Health Education, information and communication to the population Preventive entomological monitoring Creation of an inter-institutional Health and Climate Change working group

9 SECTORAL measures Besides, it includes CROSS-SECTORAL measures oriented to: F Institutional strengthening on climate change matters. –Propose the establishment of an inter-institutional entity to facilitate the implementation of the PMEGEMA F Development of a program on climate change information dissemination, public awareness and education. F Improvement of capacity for development and transfer of Ecologically Rational Technologies. F Promotion of the research and systematic observation.

10 THANK YOU! Speaker: Ms. Virginia Sena Consultant Climate Change Unit Uruguay Climate Change Unit Coordinator: Mr. Luis Santos

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