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3 Unit 3. 3  Discuss the purpose of the National Incident Management System (NIMS).  Discuss the utility of NIMS at a fire incident.  Describe the.

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1 3 Unit 3

2 3  Discuss the purpose of the National Incident Management System (NIMS).  Discuss the utility of NIMS at a fire incident.  Describe the Incident Command System (ICS).  Explain the role of communications at an incident.  Identify the management/leadership guidelines most relevant at an incident.

3 3  Purpose  Creation  Standardization

4 3 Fire service function perspective – Incident command What is the situation? What does the situation need? What resources do I have? – Fire prevention and code enforcement – Pre-incident planning and related loss reduction – Fire and life safety education – Management of physical resources – Management of financial resources – Fire service personnel management

5 3 Management/leadership perspective – Participation Chief showed good participation. Post-incident analysis – Communications Inter- and intra-unit communications Awareness of communications needs Improving communications skills – Competence Addressed by chief Requires self-analysis – Satisfaction Participation contributed to satisfaction.

6 3 Management/leadership perspective continued – Performance reviews and evaluations – Coordination Inter- and intra-unit coordination and cooperation Review procedures – Norms and positive discipline – Goals Understand strategies and tactics. Chief sets incident goals.

7 3  Conclusions  Review guidelines.  Guidelines provide structure for considering issues.  Adapt management/leadership guidelines.  Accept fire service-specific guidelines.  Do not expect dramatic changes.

8 3 Incident Command System (ICS) – Started in 1970s after California wildfires. – Flexible structure and fixed titles and types of duties – Commonalities among departments – Required functions – Operational control – Command post – Simple emergencies – Large-scale emergencies – More complex emergencies

9 3

10 3 Pre-incident planning and other operations – Efficient distribution – Adequate training and drills – Application of tactical power with first alarm units Developing the strategy for incident attack – Decisions at three levels Strategy Objectives Tactics

11 3 Development of strategy – Define problem and obtain information. – Identify alternatives. – Select best alternative. – Consider unforeseen events. Defining the problem and obtaining information – Three primary goals Ensure safety Preserve property Consider community – Gather information en route. Defining and evaluating strategy alternatives – Continual reevaluation – Steps to follow – Trade-offs in allocation – Forecasting

12 3 Allocating resources – Major strategy consideration – Where resources needed – Immediate and potential resources – Which companies will respond Selecting the best alternative strategy – Timely information – Degree of danger

13 3 Developing emergency scene tactics – Who, what, and how for achieving objective – Apparatus and location – Personnel assignments Post-incident analysis – Review of strategy and tactics – Suggestions Team members’ views Plan training and drills Practice participation

14 3 Meaning of words and their transmission – Plain words – Clarity – Successful communication – External distractions – Avoiding misinterpretations Improving communications with the ladder of abstractions – Orders – Ladder of abstractions – Specialized symbols

15 3 NIMS standardized the ICS used by most fire departments. Under the ICS structure, someone is responsible for each function necessary for control of the emergency. Attacking an emergency involves decisions at three levels. Concise and clear communications are essential at all levels of management. Officers adjust decision-making to meet the situation.

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