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Attleboro High School 2007-2013. Attleboro Public Schools moved to a new evaluation in the 2009-2010 school year The district evaluators were given significant.

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1 Attleboro High School 2007-2013

2 Attleboro Public Schools moved to a new evaluation in the 2009-2010 school year The district evaluators were given significant training in observation, feedback, and rating performance over the course of several years The quality of the feedback and ratings assigned to performance/evidence emerged as challenges in terms of consistency across evaluators

3 Teams of evaluators, union representatives, and ILT members conducted exhaustive learning walks The team debrief of the walks developed common understandings of our new rubrics and how they applied to instruction, as well as highlighted problem areas District level evaluator meetings built on these conversations, focusing our work on the quality of feedback given as well as the accompanying rating assigned The most effective exercises involved rating one another on our observations

4 Use the lessons learned from the past to apply to the new evaluation system and rubrics Team learning walks and debriefing sessions Time devoted to analyzing observation documentation Inclusion of union representation and teachers


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