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Manya Krobo: Youth Development and Education A Snapshot.

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Presentation on theme: "Manya Krobo: Youth Development and Education A Snapshot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manya Krobo: Youth Development and Education A Snapshot

2 Context\Background  Manya Krobo is located in the Eastern Region of Ghana, West Afrika  Population close to 400,000  Largely agricultural Traditional Area  Rich cultural and historical reputation (Dipo Initiation rites, William Baden Powell, etc)  Much noteworthy work on the ground being done to support youth – various NGO’s, government and community programs.  Within the Ghana context, challenges consistent with those of developing world – infrastructure, health disparities, persistent poverty, capacity (“brain drain”), etc.  2

3 Context\Background  Critical current youth related issues include:  High rate of HIV (highest in Ghana) with a prevalence rate of 8.4% (mostly affecting young people, especially young women between the ages of 18 to 25 ) more than twice the national average)  High levels of youth poverty and unemployment (over 90%)  Rapidly increasing youth population  Poor graduation rates from High School  Weak youth planning infrastructure  Increasing youth-related crime. 3

4 Manya Krobo Caregivers 4

5 Current Work in Manya Krobo  Yensomu Youth and Community Development initiates program to help orphans and vulnerable children: providing monthly funds, barrels with food, clothing and school supplies and funds to build boreholes  Nene Detse initiates youth planning forum to develop 3 year action blue print. Multi-partner plan will focus on:  Health  Education  Poverty  Culture  Leadership  Coordination/Planning 5

6 Current Work in Manya Krobo  Youth Resource and Training Centre in Odumase Krobo will be opened in December 2010  Second Centre in rural capital (Assesewa to be opened in 2011  Centres will provide free capacity building for youth in health, information technology, job skills development and academic upgrading.  Revitalising Millennium Library as active space for children and youth. 6

7 A Model for Working 7 Youth Focus Youth Leadership Youth Involvement Ethical, Responsible Leadership Keep our Promises Balance Long-term Structural with Immediate Constant Improvement Focus on Good Data Evaluate and Assess Build on Current Good Work Build and Sustain Youth Capacity Encourage Collaboration Alignment

8 Current Education Situation  Data from parents, teachers, Ghana Education Service office and the youth agreed that a significant number of the young people have education though not to the highest level  High degree of steady dropout as school children move from primary to SHS :  Kindergarten 98%  Primary 87.2%  JHS: 70.2%  SHS: 39.9% 8

9 Current Education Situation  Researchers, NGO’s, parents, youth and GES staff suggest the following reasons for the fall-off:  Access issues – fewer secondary schools, especially in rural areas. Travel (and resources to travel is a major issue)  Indiscipline  Uneven parental support  Inadequate physical infrastructure ( library, ICT, recreational facilities, classroom blocks, etc)  Media influences  Attraction of cyber crime (Sakawa)  Teenage pregnancy  HIV 9

10 Implications  Development of healthy, contributing youth critical mass is compromised  Capable, qualified workforce is affected  Post Secondary education opportunities and access severely limited  Economic disparities between working class and elite is sustained  Overall underdevelopment of community 10

11 Some Options  Support massive school infrastructure initiative  Focus on youth leadership, culture, Krobo values, etc  Ensure youth are meaningfully involved in all aspects of planning and work that impact on them – HIV health promotion, program development, etc 11

12 Some Options  Career Guidance  Expansion of Scholarship opportunities  Expansion of micro-financing opportunities  Extensive vocational training and support 12

13 Things to Remember...  Current situation is a result of complex and long-standing structural problems:  Colonization  Exploitation of natural resources  Persistent poverty  Corruption  Uneven distribution of resources  Poor Planning and management 13

14 Things to Remember...  There is tremendous commitment in Manya Krobo and across Ghana to build a better society.  Much leadership and serious work being done on the ground  Young people are doing amazing things with extremely limited resources  Endless examples of self-reliance, resourcefulness and innovation  We can learn much from them 14

15 What can We Do?  Learn more about Africa, Ghana and Manya Krobo  Understand the dynamics of underdevelopment  Has nothing to do with immorality or people being lazy  Talk to, engage with people from the continent  Creatively identify skills and financial resources that can contribute to something that is sustainable 15

16 Caring 16

17 Joy 17

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