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NAV 2 FLIGHT PLANNING. WEATHER TERMINOLOGY IFR: less than 1000 ft3 miles MVFR: 1000-3000 ft3-5 miles VFR: greater than 3000 ftbetter than 5.

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2 WEATHER TERMINOLOGY IFR: less than 1000 ft3 miles MVFR: 1000-3000 ft3-5 miles VFR: greater than 3000 ftbetter than 5

3 Cross Country #2 Aircraft:Cessna 150 C-GULP White with Red/Orange trim Owner:Yourself c/o Kingston Federal Pen, Kingston, ON Equipment:1 NAV/COM, 1 Transponder with Mode C, 1 ADF ELT:Pointer Sentry Fixed ELT Route:CYGK (Kingston) Direct CYOW (Ottawa). Set heading point will be overhead Kingston Set Power:Closest to 55% at your cruise of 5,500’ ASL (tailwind) Weather:Assume Standard temperatures, Altimeter 30.19” Wind at 5,500’ ASL forecast to be 220°T at 18 knots Pilot Licence:PA321123 Allow 6 minutes at cruise power for circuit before landing at Ottawa. For start, run-up, takeoff and climb, allow fuel as indicated on the charts. Proposed departure time is 0200 EDT. As a contingency allowance, knowing how busy Ottawa airspace can be, you add another 12 minutes of fuel (20% of an hour at cruise fuel rate).

4 To 550010 min. To s.l. 0 min. To climb10 min To 55001.5 gal. To s.l. 0.0 gal. To climb1.5 gal. To 550012 nm. To s.l. 0 nm. To climb12 nm.

5 C150 CRUISE PERFORMANCE CHART – 55-75% bhp recommended 5500 w/30. 19 is 5230 pres alt 58% @ 5230 is 95k and 4.5gph

6 FLIGHT PLANNING LOG CYGK Start, t/o 67 NE 13wo/h:101.5 0.8 CYOW 559195 031 220/18 029 13w04211376:403.0 CYGK GULPME22 MAR 01 :30 2.3 4.5gph


8 climb cruise

9 FLIGHT PLANNING LOG CYGK Start, t/o 67 NE 13wo/h:101.5 0.8 CYOW 559195 031 220/18 029 13w04211376:403.0 CYGK GULPME22 MAR 01 :30 2.3 4.5gph


11 FLIGHT PLANNING LOG CYGK Start, t/o 67 NE 13w:101.5 0.8 CYOW 559195 031 220/18 029 13w04211376:403.0 contingency 20% fuel1.9 circuit70 14w:060.5 CYGK GULPM. THEFLIER22 MAY 01 76 :56 7.7 76 1:26 10.0 :30 2.3

12 One in Sixty Rule 1:60 is the same as 1 degree

13 Triangle of Velocities Wind = 240@28kt Track = 351 TAS = 102 kt

14 Triangle of Velocities 351 o Wind = 240@28kt Track = 351 o TAS = 102 kt

15 Triangle of Velocities 28 kt Wind = 240@28kt Track = 351 o TAS = 102 kt

16 Triangle of Velocities 28 kt 102 kt Wind = 240@28kt Track = 351 o TAS = 102 kt

17 Triangle of Velocities 28 kt magnitude for windspeed Airspeed 102 kt Wind = 240@28kt Track = 351 TAS = 102 kt MEASURE from graph Heading = 336 Gnd speed = 109 kt 336 o 351 o Direction of travel

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