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Group Discussion: Things to Ponder Why would Europe be interested in exploring other areas of the world? Right at 90% of all voyages of exploration never.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Discussion: Things to Ponder Why would Europe be interested in exploring other areas of the world? Right at 90% of all voyages of exploration never."— Presentation transcript:


2 Group Discussion: Things to Ponder Why would Europe be interested in exploring other areas of the world? Right at 90% of all voyages of exploration never returned, why would men risk so much? Who was the first European to reach North America? It is not who you think it is…..

3 Video Clip Intro How did early Sailors navigate the Oceans? | The Curious Engineer

4 Unit 3 – Note Page 1 Exploration Technology What drove Europe to risk Life and Limb? Yes, I know theirs a plane here, tough! Look at the boat….

5 Why Exploration? Crusades – Holy War by the Christians to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Lands 1200’s – 1400’s. Exotic experience of Middle East prompted Europeans to explore unknown regions Knights returning from Middle East Brought New technology & Idea of Exploration

6 Why Exploration? Search for Natural Resources – Europe had exhausted all their natural forest / timber supply. Running out of farmland. Over Populated and crowded with people and farm animals.

7 New Sailing technology A. Astrolabe 180 BC. It could be used to find you Latitude - how far north or south of equator, survey land, Day of year by sun position, etc.

8 B. Compass – determine the direction you are sailing once your out of sight of land. C. Caravel ships- with Triangular sails could now sail into the wind not just with it.

9 Video Clip Intro Technical Advancements in the Age of Exploration

10 Why they Explore: Spices : nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, & pepper. Finally you can spice up bland European diet, spice also help cover up the taste of spoiling food. Italian merchants were making a killing profits. Pepper was biggest seller! Other European countries wanted in on the business and cut Italians out. Spices were found in Middle East and far away, today Indonesia Islands.

11 Christianity - Spread to the heathens of the world! Luther Is pulling millions away from the Catholic Church. Need New members to replace them. Money! - Bartolomeu Dias once said as to why he explored: “To serve God and his Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire!”

12 Who Really Discovered America? You Tube Video 1 min. Who Really Discovered America? You Tube Video 1 min. “Who were the Vikings, In A Nutshell” You Tube Video 2 mins. Video Clip Intro

13 “Leif Eriksson - The First European in North America” You Tube Video 3 min. “Leif Eriksson - The First European in North America” You Tube Video 3 min. “Vikings, TV Ad, Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism” You Tube Video 1 mins. “Vikings, TV Ad, Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism” You Tube Video 1 mins. Video Clip Intro


15 But, Columbus was NOT the first European to come to America The Vikings from Scandinavia sailed to North America around 1000 AD. Nearly 500 years before Columbus. They were led by Leif Erickson of Iceland.


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