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Special topics in computer applications Taekyoung Kwon 880-9105.

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Presentation on theme: "Special topics in computer applications Taekyoung Kwon 880-9105."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special topics in computer applications Taekyoung Kwon 880-9105

2 Attendance check –Email –Mobile phone number –Advisor

3 Overview goals of this class –Get familiar with two topics Pervasive computing Network security –Present and discuss the pros and cons of the state-of-the-art proposals –Propose a new scheme and compare with the related work reference materials –related papers –other documents (e.g. standardization documents)

4 overview Lectures –Maybe a little bit Two presentations Term project English –Q & A can be Korean Pre-requisite (not so mandatory) –Computer network or equivalent courses

5 Tentative list of topics (1/2) Ubiquitous/Pervasive computing

6 candidates Mobility/multi-interface/Multicasting/broadcasting Context-awareness –Localization, Other sensors Security/privacy New applications –Lockitron, Nike Fuelband,…Lockitron –Cough sensing, BeWell,…BeWell Augmented reality New networks –Sensor network, vehicular network,… energy issues Human computer interface (HCI)

7 Search papers in conferences Pervasive Computing (PerCom) Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) Mobile data management (MDM) Human Computer Interface (HCI) … Publication in recent 3 years is more desirable Send me a couple of papers that you want to talk about –By next Monday (Sept. 9 th )

8 Tentative list of topics (2/2) Network security and privacy

9 candidates Network infra –BGP routing, DNS Bot –DDoS, Game Traffic analysis –IDS, IPS Web –Certificate, Passwd –Browser vulnerability –Phishing, pharming Network types –WLAN, Cellular,… Human factors Anonymization Location privacy Data privacy ID management Censorship securityprivacy

10 Search papers in conferences IEEE S & P ACM CCS ISOC NDSS USENIX Security PETS ACSAC …

11 evaluation 20%: 1 st presentation 20%: 2 nd presentation 10%: questions –Send Q&A to TA by Mon. 9pm 40%: project 10%: attendance –Two latenesses will be counted as one absence Upload your slides by Sunday 11:00pm –penalty

12 administrivia Classroom: 301-554 Time: Mon. 5pm- –No class on Wed. TA: –Jungmin Yoo Office 301-518 phone 880-1832 Slides and announcements – –Id: –Passwd:

13 Term project Each guy will work on her own project Paper of your presentation may be the reference A short meeting Propose a new idea that is expected to be better than the reference –Pros and cons A short meeting Finally, give a presentation on your project

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