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The Very Small World of the Well-Connected Xiaolin Shi, Matt Bonner, Lada Adamic, Anna Gilbert.

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Presentation on theme: "The Very Small World of the Well-Connected Xiaolin Shi, Matt Bonner, Lada Adamic, Anna Gilbert."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Very Small World of the Well-Connected Xiaolin Shi, Matt Bonner, Lada Adamic, Anna Gilbert

2 Outline  VIGS: Vertex-Importance Graph Synopsis  Testing VIGS with different datasets and importance measures  Analytical expectations  Making guarantees about VIGS  Connectedness: KeepOne, KeepAll  Related Work  Graph Sampling, Rich Club, K-cores, Web Measure

3 Network or Hairball?  Huge networks difficult to study, store, share..  Can we shrink or summarize a network?  Starting point: important vertices  Vertex-Importance Graph Synopsis

4 Vertex-Importance Graph Synopsis  Create subgraph of important vertices  Study both key nodes and entire graph  Which vertices are important?  High-traffic routers? The most quoted blog?  Standard, well-defined measures  Degree, Betweenness, Closeness, PageRank

5 VIGS In Action Starting point: random graph with 100 vertices Select an importance measure - Degree pick 9 highest degree vertices keep only edges between these 9 vertices average degree = 4average degree = 0.9

6 Motivating example: citations among ACM papers 500 random papers500 most cited papers

7 Datasets Erdos-Renyi random graph and three real networks  BuddyZoo - collection of buddy lists  TREC - links between blogs  Web - an older web crawl from PARC Erdos-RenyiBuddyZooTRECWeb Vertices 10,000135,13129,690152,171 Edges 49,935803,200195,9401,686,541 ASP 4.265.963.723.48 Directed false true

8 Importance measures  degree (number of connections) denoted by size  betweenness (number of shortest paths a vertex lies on) denoted by color

9 Importance measures  degree (number of connections) denoted by size  closeness (length of shortest path to all others) denoted by color

10  High correlation between different importance measurements  Undirected graphs - higher correlation  Closeness has lowest correlation in all datasets Correlation among measures

11  High correlation between different importance measurements  Undirected graphs – higher orrelation  Closeness has lowest correlation in all datasets Correlation among measures

12 Assortativity  In an assortative graph, high-value nodes tend to connect to other high-value nodes  Example: degree assortativedisassortative

13 Assortativity - Degree ER: Neutral BZ: Assortative TREC and Web: Disassortative

14 Assortativity

15 Degree distributions

16 Subgraphs  Apply VIGS! Select Degree, top 100 nodes  Example: degree  Substantial difference between datasets!

17 Subgraphs  The selection of an importance measure may have an impact, even in the same dataset

18 Connectivity: size of largest component Proportion of nodes that are connected either directly or indirectly

19 Subgraph Connectivity - ER Highly connected, even with only a few vertices All importance measures almost completely connected by 2000 nodes Better performance than random

20 Subgraph Connectivity

21 subgraphs: density average degree = 4average degree = 0.9  What is the proportion of edges to nodes in the original graphs vs. subgraphs?

22 Subgraph Density - ER Black line slope = Edges/Vertices in entire network Lower dotted line = subgraph of random vertices VIGS subgraphs: lower than total density, higher than random subgraph density

23 Subgraph Density

24 Average Shortest Path ‘ASP’

25 whole network ASP ASP between IV’s in subgraph. ASP between IV’s in whole graph ER ASP shorter between IV’s, but higher in subgraph Subgraph Average Shortest Path ‘ASP’ for Erdos Renyi

26 Subgraph ASP’s

27 Relative Rank of Vertices in Subgraph - ER Do IV’s maintain their relative rank in subgraphs? IV and edges only ER - little correlation, steadily increasing until all vertices are included

28 Relative Rank in Subgraph

29 TREC anomaly - closeness

30 Four Regions  Four regions, highlighted in density plot: Original Closeness only, Regions highlighted

31 Cause: Blog Aggregator  One node has connections to 99% of the nodes between 1 and 7961! (regions 1, 2, 3)  This same node has only 1 connection to a node beyond 7961 (region 4)  Nodes between 5828 and 7961 (region 3) have only 1 connection: to the aggregator  Spam blogs? New blogs? Private blogs?

32 Examining Density  The first 3 regions feature nodes connected to the aggregator  R1: well connected blogs  Average increase in total edges per node added: 12.93  R2: far less connected, but not quite barren  Average increase per node: 3.2  R3: isolated spam/new blogs  1 edge per node increase

33 Examining Density  R4: well connected, but not linked to aggregator  Average increase even higher than region 1: 17.8  Aggregator inflated the closeness scores of connected nodes (R1, 2, 3) above those in region 4

34 Examining Avg Shortest Paths (ASP)  R1: ASP slightly below 2  Some nodes directly connected, 99%+ within 2 hops via aggregator  R2 and 3: ASP levels at ~2  Fewer and fewer direct links, but all accessible via aggregator  R4: ASP’s begin to increase  ASP doesn’t explode: ~70% of R4 links are to R1 or R2 nodes  R3 only reachable from R4 via agr.  Access to aggregator through connected R1/R2 nodes: adds a hop to path

35 Examining Relative Ranking Correlation  R1-3: correlation steadily decreases  R4: rapid increase in correlation!  Spam blogs importance in subgraph initially inflated  Realigns when blogs in 4 connect with real blogs in 1-2

36 Localized to closeness  Region 1, 2 and 3 nodes have high closeness thanks to the aggregator  Recall ASP graph - short distance to many, many nodes via aggr.  Connection to aggregator doesn’t confer high degree, PageRank or Betweenness - nodes must ‘fend for themselves’  Degree: link to aggr. Is just 1 link.  PR: aggr. ‘vote’ diluted by high degree  Bet: Aggr. Is gateway to its children, could use any child to reach aggr.

37 VIGS results vary by graph and importance measure Still, subgraphs tended towards –High connectivity –Average or higher density –Shorter ASP’s –Maintain relative importance rank of vertices –“spam” affects closeness primarily Empirical Analysis Summary

38 Preserving Properties  So far, just studying subgraphs  Applying VIGS - may need guarantees  Hard to make a guarantee?  Example property: subgraph is connected Preserving Properties

39  Is it difficult to guarantee the connectedness of a VIGS subgraph?  NP-complete: reducible to Steiner Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem  Resort to heuristics  KeepOne, KeepAll from Gilbert and Levchenko (2004)

40 KeepOne and KeepAll  KeepOne - build an MST: drop as many vertices/edges as possible while maintaining connectivity.  Problem! ASP/diameter could increase  Solution: KeepAll - MST, but add all vertices/edges on a shortest path

41 Heuristic Performance - ER KO - did not have to add many vertices, but shortest path rather large (ER ASP was 4.26) KA - good improvement in path length, but huge increase in vertices ASP

42 Heuristic Performance - BZ Similar performance to ER - KO results in significantly longer shortest paths, but KA adds many vertices Is 4000 too many vertices to add? Small compared to total graph, but huge compared to number of important vertices ASP

43 Heuristic Performance - TREC Almost completely connected from the start KA adds only a few vertices, doesn’t change much Results for Web dataset similar ASP

44 Related Work  Graph sampling - Similar objective: synopsis  Concerned only with original graph  Random sampling, snowball sampling…  Lee, Kim, Jeong (2006),  Leskovec, Faloutsos (2006),  Li, Church, Hastie (2006)  Rich-club  Concerned only with high degree nodes  Zhou, Mondragon (2004),  Colizza, Flammini, Serrano, Vespignani (2006)

45 Related Work  K-cores  Subgraphs where each vertex has at least k-connections within the subgraph  Dorogovstev, Goltsev, Mendes (2006)  Core connectivity  Smallest number of important vertices to remove before destroying largest component  Mislove, Marcon, Gummadi, Druschel, Bhattacharjee (2007)

46 VIGS wrap up  vertex-importance graph synopsis  create a subgraph of important vertices to study both the full graph and these vertices in particular  properties of VIGS depend on entire network and importance measure  real world networks have dense, closely knit VIGS  in some cases easy to meet connectivity & ASP guarantees

47 Thanks to  Xiaolin Shi  Matthew Bonner  Lada Adamic NSF DMS 0547744

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