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1 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Space Radiation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Space Radiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Space Radiation Environment

2 2 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Introduction q Introduction q The Earth's magnetic field q Charged particle motion q The radiation belts  Description  South Atlantic Anomaly  Dynamics of the radiation belts  Models q The sources of energetic particles outside the magnetosphere  Solar flares  Cosmic rays  Magnetospheric shielding q Sensitivity of orbits to the radiations

3 3 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Introduction shock

4 4 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The Earth's magnetic field Dipolar magnetic field lines Dipolar magnetic field tilted and off-center with respect to Earth

5 5 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The Earth's magnetic field 70° 80° 90° 80° 76° Earth's magnetic field, external component. Tsyganenko 1982 model Magnetic coordinates

6 6 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Charged particle motion Lorentz force α FF (q,m) B V α: pitch angle Giration motion Larmor radius: Cyclotron period: Magnetic moment:

7 7 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Charged particle motion B eq V α eq BmBm 90° αcαc * Mirror points Loss cone Bounce motion

8 8 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Charged particle motion q<0 q>0 Drift motion

9 9 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Charged particle motion Electron Proton Drift shell

10 10 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Description

11 11 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - description Proton radiation belt Electron radiation belt

12 12 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - description LANL 1989-046 / 315-500 keV electron Drift shells 12 LT 24 LT 06 LT 18 LT GEO Local noon

13 13 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - The South Atlantic Anomaly 9.4 MeV proton - 710 km - SAC-C/SPICA 460. keV electron - 710 km - SAC-C/SPICA

14 14 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Dynamics of the radiation belts Atmospheric densities Cosmic neutrons Protons Solar cycle time scale

15 15 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Dynamics of the radiation belts Electrons Solar cycle time scale

16 16 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Dynamics of the radiation belts Electrons - Magnetic storm time scale 100 keV 12:00 00:00 18:00 06:00

17 17 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Dynamics of the radiation belts Electrons - Magnetic storm time scale 500 keV 12:00 00:00 18:00 06:00

18 18 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Models Static models - NASA AP8 AE8 E > 10 MeVE > 1 MeV

19 19 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Models Static models - NOAA PRO & POLE NOAA PRO Year relative to solar maximum (keV -1 cm -2 s -1 ) POLE

20 20 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Models Dynamic models - CRRESPRO & CRRESELE CRRES QUIET PROTON MODELCRRES ACTIVE PROTON MODEL

21 21 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment The radiation belts - Models Comments

22 22 Space technology course : Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Spacecraft Components and Systems Space radiation environment Sensitivity of orbits to the radiations

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