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Informal JAG - 24 November 20051. ITC’s Management Response ITC’s Comparative Advantage Performance of Interventions Capacity of the organisation –Strengthening.

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Presentation on theme: "Informal JAG - 24 November 20051. ITC’s Management Response ITC’s Comparative Advantage Performance of Interventions Capacity of the organisation –Strengthening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Informal JAG - 24 November 20051. ITC’s Management Response ITC’s Comparative Advantage Performance of Interventions Capacity of the organisation –Strengthening the Organisation –Strengthening Operational Performance – The Way Forward

2 Informal JAG - 24 November 20052 ITC’s Comparative Advantage

3 Informal JAG - 24 November 20053. Evaluation affirms ITC’s strong comparative advantage Clear division of labour between ITC and its parent bodies (UNCTAD and WTO) ITC activities directly relevant to MDGs and DDA

4 Informal JAG - 24 November 20054. Performance of Interventions

5 Informal JAG - 24 November 20055. Overall strategy of intervention endorsed High scores on efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of interventions Need for better monitoring and measurement of results Measuring TRTA results honestly and realistically is a challenge for all

6 Informal JAG - 24 November 20056. Product Proliferation Evaluation does not provide concrete cases Product development and refinement based on continuous assessment of client needs ITC products appreciated by beneficiaries Agrees with need to improve measurement of product development and maintenance costs

7 Informal JAG - 24 November 20057. Emphasis on country-specific projects and strengthened field presence ITC’s 3 delivery tracks have equal importance Resources earmarked for country specific projects are limited ITC operations do not necessarily require country presence

8 Informal JAG - 24 November 20058 Strengthening the Organisation

9 Informal JAG - 24 November 20059. Alignment, Multi-Year Funding and Programme Based Approach Agrees with alignment and harmonisation agenda but specifics for ITC unclear Agrees with timely and predictable multi- year funds Integrated programme and budget document is a sound idea but….

10 Informal JAG - 24 November 200510. Review Governance Structure Current structure put in place by parent bodies ITC activities have not suffered due to governance and oversight structure Agrees with review of governance but cautions against micro-management and creation of additional layer with little value addition

11 Informal JAG - 24 November 200511 Strengthening Operational Performance

12 Informal JAG - 24 November 200512. Change Management Change management is part of a larger process of management reforms ITC management is implementing a series of change management measures aimed at ensuring smooth transition of senior management functions

13 Informal JAG - 24 November 200513. Strengthening Human Resources Strategic review of the HRM function will continue A number of initiatives are already under way Strong HRD programme is key to ITC’s success Need for more predictable funds

14 Informal JAG - 24 November 200514 The Way Forward

15 Informal JAG - 24 November 200515. Increase Scale of Operations Increased scale should not be linked to institutional and management reforms Scaling up will allow more country level operations Instituional reforms in stakeholders’ hands Management reforms will continue Appeal to stakeholders to consider scaling up ITC operations

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