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PORTAL: An On-Line Regional Transportation Data Archive with Transportation Systems Management Applications Casey Nolan Portland State University CUPUM.

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Presentation on theme: "PORTAL: An On-Line Regional Transportation Data Archive with Transportation Systems Management Applications Casey Nolan Portland State University CUPUM."— Presentation transcript:

1 PORTAL: An On-Line Regional Transportation Data Archive with Transportation Systems Management Applications Casey Nolan Portland State University CUPUM Conference London, England June 30, 2005

2 2 Outline  What is PORTAL?  National ITS Architecture and Archived Data User Service (ADUS)  Describe Architecture  Describe Database Processing and Storage  Performance Measurement  Mapping and Spatial Analysis  Next Steps

3 3 Introduction Guiding Principles “Data are too valuable to only use once.” “ Management of the transportation system cannot be done without knowledge of its performance.”

4 4 Archived Data User Service (ADUS) ITS Architecture 1999  USDOT Vision for ADUS: “Improve transportation decisions through the archiving and sharing of ITS generated data.”  Principles of ADUS to Achieve Vision  All ITS deployments should consider data archiving  Archive data to maximize integration with other data sources and systems  Archive data in a way that eases retrieval for those with access  Provide information that is integral to transportation practice

5 5 Portland Transportation Archive Listing (PORTAL) PSU Designated as Regional Archive Center  Portland State University (PSU) participates in regional ITS committee—TransPort  PSU designated as regional center for collecting, coordinating and disseminating variable sources of transportation data and derived performance measures.  Bi-state: Oregon and Washington  May expand statewide.

6 6 PORTAL Architecture Regional ITS Data Sources  98 CCTV Cameras  19 Variable Message Signs (VMS)  485 Inductive Loop Detectors  135 Ramp Meters  Weather data stations  TriMet Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System and Bus Dispatch System (BDS)  Extensive Fiber Optics Network

7 7 PORTAL Architecture Regional ITS Data Sources  98 CCTV Cameras  19 Variable Message Signs (VMS)  485 Inductive Loop Detectors  135 Ramp Meters  Weather data stations  TriMet Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System and Bus Dispatch System (BDS)  Extensive Fiber Optics Network

8 8 PORTAL Architecture Data Flows

9 9 Data Storage (OIT) Storage Area Networks (SANs) 1+ Terabyte of storage space Web Server (OIT): Dual Sparc Processor Sun OS Your Web Browser Disk Access via Network File System (NFS) Via NFS Send Query Get Results Database Server: Dual Sparc Processor Sun OS PORTAL Architecture Database and Web Servers  New hardware purchased with a grant from ODOT  Partnering with the PSU Office of Information Technologies

10 10 PORTAL Architecture Database and Web Servers  Database Back End  SQL relational database  200 MB per day of raw data  75 GB per year  1.2 TB high capacity disk array  5 MB compressed for download  Off-site backup server  Daily backups  Uninterruptible power  Web-based interface  Easily accessible  User-friendly  PHP language

11 11 Data Analysis and Visualization Homepage

12 12 Data Analysis and Visualization Contour Plots: Speed

13 13 Weather Popup

14 14 Data Fidelity Popup

15 15 Data Analysis and Visualization Time Series Plots: Volume

16 16 Data Analysis and Visualization Grouped Data Plots: Speed

17 17 Monthly Reports

18 18 Monthly Reports

19 19 Monthly Reports

20 20 Determining Influence Areas for Travel Time Calculations

21 21 Monthly Reports



24 24



27 Peak and Off-Peak Travel Time Reliability on a Freight Corridor



30 30 Next Steps & Concluding Remarks  Data from:  TriMet - Public Transit Agency  Washington State DOT  City of Portland  ODOT WIM Data  Additional processing tools and performance measures  Web interface is expanding use of archived data  Increasing awareness of the value of these systems  Provides decision support for transportation officials in the region

31 Acknowledgments  National Science Foundation  Oregon Department of Transportation  Dennis Mitchell  Jack Marchant  City of Portland  Bill Kloos  TriMet  Portland State University  Oregon Engineering and Technology Industry Council

32 32 Acknowledgments  Faculty  Dr. Robert L. Bertini  Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Urban Studies & Planning  Director, Center for Transportation Studies  Staff  Andy Delcambre  Spicer Matthews  Andrew Byrd  Andy Rodriguez  B.S., Computer Science, Portland State University  Peter Bosa  Ahmed El-Geneidy  Steve Hansen  School of Urban Studies & Planning, Portland State University

33 33 Feedback Your Opinions and Suggestions Please let us know what you think about existing or future:  Data sources  Performance measures  Data visualizations and summaries Contact us: Sign up for an account!

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