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+ Yorkshire and Humber MTL Coach training – Day 2 Masters in Teaching and Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Yorkshire and Humber MTL Coach training – Day 2 Masters in Teaching and Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Yorkshire and Humber MTL Coach training – Day 2 Masters in Teaching and Learning

2 + Welcome : Session 1 – introduction to the day introductions to facilitators introductions to each other on your table overall agenda gathering questions during the day

3 + Objectives for the day These have been informed by Day 1 feedback and include: how the coach role is going, sharing experiences, ideas and methods assessment for module 1 and 2 some key logistical processes and the MTL for TLR holders ongoing support and accreditation for coaches

4 + Session 2 – Reflection on MTL progress reflect on coach training day 1 expectations introduce some coaching strategies use these to explore how things are going

5 + Day 1 role expectations Coach Tutor Participants

6 + some key issues from the Venn exercise: few responses held the participant solely responsible for activities very clear demarcation between the coach’s and tutor’s responsibilities majority identified coach or tutor initially leading / steering the relationship the participant role would become more dominant the coach in particular would encourage the participant to take control of their own MTL progress

7 + some underlying themes: include coaches being able to: maintain their NQT’s enthusiasm for the MTL practically support their NQT’s engagement with the MTL have an open and realistic dialogue about the NQT’s classroom practice maintain your enthusiasm for the MTL

8 + working with your expectations and experience: activities using some coaching strategies to: look at coaching from the participant’s perspective look at coaching from your perspective this afternoon look at coaching from the school’s perspective

9 + coaching strategy - visioning: involves considering where you would like to be can be applied to many different aspects of the MTL experience – for coaches, the NQTS and the school

10 + Activity - using visioning to think about where you would like to be: if coaching was working well for the participant - what would it look like ? if coaching was working well for the coach - what would it look like? Spend 5 minutes making a few notes for yourself and then discuss in pairs for 15 minutes

11 + Ian Pickles and Tony Swainston coach strategy - rating scales helps to identify where the client believes s/he is now through a visual stimulus focuses the discussion on making required changes helps to identify goals to improve practice useful for continued comparison over time Scripts: On a scale of….. How would you rate…. ?, What would it take to move to…?

12 + rating descriptors for scaling: Scaling is used to see how close you might be to a goal Uses a scale of 0 to 10 10 means goal fully met 0 means nothing is in place 3 means some progress example thinking on the positioning table

13 + Activity - using scaling to look at MTL for participants look at row one on the exemplar table to help your thinking get into pairs, take in turns to : a) choose an issue that is most significant for you with respect to your participating teacher(s) and scale it. b)discuss : how you and they got there, do you want to improve? / is it good enough? how would you move / sustain what's good enough ?/ do you have a CIA view of these? 10 mins each person

14 + Ian Pickles and Tony Swainston coaching strategy - exception finding used in the event of a difficult observation steers conversation towards a more successful time exceptions - always occur - can go unrecognised - can be small but can lead to wider change

15 + Ian Pickles and Tony Swainston exception finding scripts ‘ can you think of a time when the situation has been better (how ever slight)?’ ‘what things are happening (have happened) that you would like to continue?’ ‘what is different about the times that go better? ‘

16 + Activity - using exception finding to look at MTL for coaches look at row two on the exemplar table to help your thinking get into another a different pair and take in turns to : a)choose an issue that is most significant for you with respect to you as a coach and: scale it. b)discuss: how you and they got there, do you want to improve? / is it good enough? / how would you move / sustain what's good enough/ is their an exception finding perspective on this? 10 mins each person

17 + Session 3 - MTL logistical and practical issues # 1 Module 1 and 2 assignments suggested discussion foci for coach – NQT meetings self-evaluation proforma use of school MTL funding

18 + Module 1 assignment “The assignment is based on a structured reflection on your professional development to date and a focussed study of a targeted aspect of your professional practice.” 1. context of ITT and school 2. their views on teacher professionalism and identity 3. reflecting on their own professional practice 4. how can your reflection impact on your practice and your choice of focus for module 2 5. examples of lesson plans etc in an appendix

19 + Module 2 assignment “to undertake a small enquiry( perhaps 2-4 weeks) into a specific area of your classroom practice that you and your coach have identified as being of particular interest to you at this stage of your professional career.” 1.what’s the rationale for your focus 2.what did you take into account when planning 3.what data did you create / generate 4.your key conclusions

20 + self-evaluation proforma used by NQTs as a learning log of their development throughout the programme links to the guidelines described in Day 1 and provided to the NQTs

21 + using school MTL funding: protocols developed by Y&H consortium any questions on these? useful to know if any other uses thought of?

22 + Session 4 – activity, critical thinking and writing have a look at the text by yourself for 10 mins - think about what is being said and the points that the writer appears to be putting across think about your views on them then in 3's have a look at the cards and see if you can place them against particular elements/ sections of the text for 20 mins

23 + Ian Pickles and Tony Swainston Session 5 - a further coaching strategy - preferred futures what successful practice will look like when it’s effective useful when an individual has not visualised what the success will involve involves projecting desires/needs into the future

24 + Ian Pickles and Tony Swainston preferred futures prompts: if you could wave a magic wand and the issue was resolved, what would your professional life be like? what would be the signs that things had changed? who would notice things had changed? what would your classroom / role look like? what would you be doing to show the difference? what would the pupils be doing to demonstrate the difference?

25 + Activity - using preferred futures to look at MTL for your school look at row two on the exemplar table to help your thinking get into a different pair form this morning, take in turns to : a) choose an issue that is most significant for you with respect to the school and scale it. b)discuss how you and they got there, do you want to improve? / is it good enough? / how would you move / sustain what's good enough/ what would be the preferred future aspects? 10 mins each person

26 + Session 6 - MTL logistical and practical issues # 2 managing teachers moving coaching capacity access to HEI resources - joining the CPD consultants pool at SHU VLE for coaches – what might you need in it?

27 + MTL logistical and practical issues # 2 cont.. next cohorts : recruiting NQT cohort 2 MTL for TLRs coaching for TLRs

28 + MTL logistical and practical issues # 2 cont.. coach accreditation provided through the MTL HEIs optional & free – TDA funding the £550 fee based on learning from the role over a year 60 M level credits start in the Autumn of 2010

29 + Session 7 - coaching summary and your own action planning Techniques Used Today Visioning and Preferred Futures – the ideal future Scaling – strengths/areas for development Exceptions finding – testing validity Questioning – opening up & finding out Developing Trusting Relationships Link to Boyatzis (Day 1)

30 Boyatzis’ Theory of Self-Directed Learning Boyatzis, R.E. (2002)

31 + Activity - your action planning by yourself: think about what you would like to do back at school and bullet point a list of actions 10 mins in 3's: discuss in relationship to Boatzis' model 20 mins

32 + revisit our objectives for today how the coach role is going, sharing experiences, ideas and methods assessment for module 1 and 2 some key logistical processes and the MTL for TLR holders ongoing support and accreditation for coaches

33 + updated contacts for the South: For questions about eligibility, funding and MTL partnership agreement: Sean Cavan, Head of CPD, SHU, 07718 638 327, For programme issues such as schedules, modules, assessment, etc: Angie Evans, MTL Phase Leader, 0114 225 5193, For coach training and Senor Liaison coach briefings Raela Mclaughlin, MTL Admin lead, 0114 225 3308, Unit 2, Science Park, SHU, Sheffield, S1 1WB For the MTL programme management group and module development teams Faye Baler, MTL development admiinstrator, 0114 225 6010, For enrolment, module delivery, ongoing student administration Dave Gubbins, Student Admin lead, 0114 225 5325,

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