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Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project (IFDP) Training for IFDP Facilitators to Support Data Collection.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project (IFDP) Training for IFDP Facilitators to Support Data Collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project (IFDP) Training for IFDP Facilitators to Support Data Collection

2 Training Outline Expected Learning OutcomeLead and Time 1.Overview and purpose of the evaluation of the IFDP Facilitators understand the purpose of the evaluation and their role in supporting this work Marci (10 mins) 2. Overview and description of the data collection process and tools that are to be completed by the facilitators 1.Demonstration of how to capture data in the tracking template 2.Demonstration of how to administer the questionnaire Facilitators understand the process for how to:  integrate the data collection process and tools into their work routine;  accurately enter/capture data in the tracking template;  administer the participant questionnaire Marci (10 mins) Marci/Lynda (20 mins) Lynda/Marci (30 mins) 3. Overview of process for submitting data tracking templates and completed questionnaires Facilitators understand the process and timing for submitting the data tracking template and completed questionnaires to the ministry Marci (10 mins) 4. Questions and wrap-upFacilitators clarify any outstanding questions Marci/Lynda (10 mins)

3  Key objectives of the evaluation include assessing: 1.The extent to which people with a developmental disability are achieving and/or progressing towards their intended outcomes as a result of participating in independent facilitation and planning; 2.Whether the outcomes for people with a developmental disability are improved when they have access to independent facilitation (compared to a similar group of people with a developmental disability); and 3.Elements of delivery that are promising practices.  The IFDP Evaluation Advisory Committee has designed a performance monitoring approach based on a key outcomes identified for independent facilitation and person-directed planning. Overview of the Evaluation of the IFDP

4  The emerging outcomes identified to be measured in the evaluation include:  Immediate Outcomes 1. Increased involvement and satisfaction with family and personal relationships 2. Increased awareness of options and choices for working towards goals/vision 3. Increased sense of control/self-determined choice (self-determination)  Intermediate Outcomes 4. Expanded (# and quality) relationships and social networks 5. Increased self-confidence to act upon personal goals/vision/aspirations 6. Increased sense of belonging 7. Genuine community membership and meaningful participation Overview of the Evaluation of the IFDP

5 Overview of Data Collection Process for Facilitators

6  Two primary components  (1) Facilitator Data Tracking Template  (2) Participant Questionnaire  The data tracking template is to be completed by each facilitator on an ongoing basis for the entire project period, starting in June 2015 to March 2017, to enable ongoing tracking of participant progress overtime:  baseline, 3-months, 6-months, 9-months and 12-months.  Facilitators are to administer the questionnaire to each participant at the start of their service (baseline) and after about 12 months (to assess change in the outcomes measures). Overview of Data Collection Process for Facilitators

7  This is done prior to collecting any client data for the evaluation.  The Participant Agreement Form describes the purpose of the evaluation and what the client’s involvement would entail.  As part of the consent process, the facilitator is to:  Explain that there is an ongoing evaluation of the IFD Project  Encourage clients to participate, highlighting that involvement includes answering questions about their experience and how they are doing, and allowing information to be collected by the facilitator.  Read through the Participant Agreement Form with the client (and his/her person of choice), which must be signed and dated, if the client agrees to participate.  Explain that data will be used for analysis, which will include hundreds of other people like them that are participating in the project across Ontario (with no person identified in any reports).  All signed Participant Agreement Forms should be stored separately from the completed questionnaires, and sent to the ministry at the end of the project in one package. Consent to Participate in Evaluation

8  To ensure the privacy of all clients, the ministry has assigned each participant a random number to be used as the “unique identifier” in the data tracking template and on the participant questionnaire.  The participant’s random number is being provided by the DSO with the referral  No person’s name or any personally identifying information is to be entered anywhere in the data tracking template or on the participant questionnaire.  The facilitator must keep a separate record of each participant’s random number in order to use it for data tracking purposes. Privacy of Personal Information

9  The template was designed to record activities and participant progress over the duration of the client’s participation in facilitation and planning.  Data being recorded in the template includes both output- level information (e.g., #clients, hours planning, #plans) and outcome-level (e.g., community connections).  The template tracks each participant separately, using a unique identification number (Column A), with data entry at baseline and at four follow-up time periods:  3-months, 6-months, 9-months and 12-months (these are the number of months after the participant’s baseline date).  Each participant’s follow-up date will vary depending on their start date (baseline date). Process for Facilitator Data Tracking Template

10  The template is separated into sections, such as Participant Information, Activity Log, Baseline data, and each Follow-up period.  Most data fields have been formatted to include drop-down list of options to select from. There are some “open-text” fields for comments/additional information (e.g., specifying “other” option selected).  For protection of privacy, no person’s name or personally identifiable information can be written anywhere in the template.  Click on a cell for instructions and to access drop-down lists. Additional instructions are provided in comment boxes for some variables, which can be accessed by “scrolling over” the cells with the red corner (in the cells with the variable labels).  Some information in ‘Person’s Status & Experience’ may need to be asked to the participant during one of the first initial meetings and recorded in the template (e.g., types and date of services/supports). Process for Facilitator Data Tracking Template (cont’d)

11  To ensure additional privacy of information, before facilitators email their data tracking template to the ministry, facilitators must “password-protect” the Excel file using the password “facilitation” (all lower-case letters).  This feature is located in Excel under the “Review” tab > “Password protect workbook”.  The template is to be sent the ministry every three months (quarterly) by email, but facilitators will continue working from the same file (i.e., will not start a new template every three months) in order to track each of their participants over a 12-month period. Process for Facilitator Data Tracking Template (cont’d)

12  The participant questionnaire is designed to assess the progress (outcomes) of clients as they participate in independent facilitation and person-directed planning Timing  Facilitators are to administer the questionnaire to participants twice, about 12 months apart:  First, about the time when the client starts facilitation and planning service, once the facilitator feels the client is ready, while keeping within the first couple weeks of intake (as a baseline measurement).  Second, after about 12 months since the participant started facilitation and planning service (or sooner, depending on when the client ends their participation). Process for the Participant Questionnaire

13 Administration  The questionnaire is to be administered in hardcopy (paper/pencil) by the facilitator (available in English and French), reading the questions aloud to the participant (and a person of their choice may be present as desired).  The facilitator is to first complete the required information at the top right corner of the hardcopy questionnaire (e.g., participant’s unique ID, date of agreement form)  The facilitator should start by reading aloud the introduction on the cover page, describing the purpose of the questionnaire, and obtain signature(s) to confirm agreement/permission.  It is important that if the client agrees to participate in the evaluation (on the Participant Agreement Form), they should have already been informed about completing the two questionnaires. Process for the Participant Questionnaire (cont’d)

14 Administration (cont’d)  To ensure consistent administration across facilitators, the facilitator should read each question and the answer options as written (verbatim). If clarification is asked for, try repeating the question, and then provide additional prompt as necessary.  There are instructions for questions that may need to be skipped, and “check all that apply” questions, for example, so please pay attention to the instructions for facilitators provided throughout the questionnaire in italic font.  Completed questionnaires should be stored separate from the person’s Participation Agreement Form (to protect from linking names/personal information) and packaged and sent by mail/post to the ministry every three months (at the end of each quarter). Process for the Participant Questionnaire (cont’d)

15 Data Tracking Template  Before submitting, please remember to retain your original working copy of your data tracking template.  Email a copy of your (password protected) tracking template to the IFDP Evaluation lead, Marci Pernica Participant Questionnaires  The package of completed participant questionnaires should be sent to the ministry by mail/post. Reporting Back to the Ministry

16 Timing  The ministry requires the data tracking template and the package of participant questionnaires to be submitted every three months, at the end of each fiscal quarter, in accordance with the following schedule: September 30, 2015 December 31, 2015 March 31, 2016 June 30, 2016 September 30, 2016 December 31, 2016 March 31, 2017  All signed Participant Agreement Forms should be stored (separately from the completed questionnaires) and the originals sent to the ministry at the end of the project in one package. Reporting Back to the Ministry (cont’d)

17  Using the Facilitator Data Tracking Template  Administering Participant Questionnaire Demonstrations

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