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Development of e-Statistics in the context of e-Governance in Moldova Ion Cosuleanu, Project manager, UNDP Stefan Novac, Chief of IT Department, National.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of e-Statistics in the context of e-Governance in Moldova Ion Cosuleanu, Project manager, UNDP Stefan Novac, Chief of IT Department, National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of e-Statistics in the context of e-Governance in Moldova Ion Cosuleanu, Project manager, UNDP Stefan Novac, Chief of IT Department, National Bureau of Statistics

2 Moldovan eSociety – major steps Strategy on Information Society Technologies for Development – 2004 A National Committee on Building an Information Society -- 2004 A package of fiscal and other facilities for ICT -- 2004

3 Current Moldovan Development Strategies National Development Strategy 2008-2011 National Strategy e-Moldova EU-Moldova Action Plan –National Strategy for Building of Information Society in the Republic of Moldova (2005- 2010) – Government Project Supported by UNDP

4 National Strategy eMoldova Building eGovernance in Moldova - 1 Starting projects eGovernance Concept eGovernance Portal Concept Pilot eServices (eTax Declaration) Framework and tools for training of public servants

5 e-Governance in Moldova CitizensBusinesses Ministries, other central public authorities Public administrative authorities Governmental Gateway e-Governance Portal, Official Web Pages Governmental Intranet

6 e-Governance in Moldova – building of administrative registers Coordination of the Concepts of registers Research of the necesity to generate statistics Adjust the structure of the register Develop processes for statistics generations

7 The Technical Assistance Solicitation was addressed by NBS to UNDP in the IT field Assess the previous developments and present needs; Estimate the necessary resources to fulfil the strategic objectives; Design the Concept of the e-Reporting system and the technical specifications; Design an action plan within the NBS strategy, including priorities and steps for implementation and possible available funds; Assess the investment plans for the next years;

8 NBS IT systems main drawbacks As the analyses of the : Human resources problem – lack of IT specialists, because of low, uncompetitive salary level in NBS. Lack of centralised statistical indicators database; Lack of IT system Development Concept; Obsolete park of computers; Obsolete and multiple types of software platforms used; Lack of standardised and compatible software used in all statistical applications

9 Current development Strategy of IT Development eStatistics Portal Concept eReporting

10 Portal – users Statistical units Ministry of Information Development Custom Ministry of Health Ministry of Education Etc.

11 Portal – access to the statistical data Physical persons Legal entities Public administrations International organisations

12 Information system – major tasks Revision of statistical surveys Defining of metadata Finalising of the disemination policy

13 Information System Providing for the regional offices modern equipment Preparation of the regional offices for the movement to the new web based technology

14 Information System Development of the unified data warehouse for statistical indicators Concentration of the retrospective data into centralised warehouse

15 Information System The development of the internal regulations Preparing the changes in the IT Department Structure

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