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Specializing Project 06/07 HTN Presentation for MS1 By Glenn Wissing.

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Presentation on theme: "Specializing Project 06/07 HTN Presentation for MS1 By Glenn Wissing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specializing Project 06/07 HTN Presentation for MS1 By Glenn Wissing

2 Project information  The goal is learn more about AI, the planning technique HTN to be more specific.  Using the HTN planner SHOP.  Using JavaBot for visualizing and testing.  Letting a HTN planner plan team strategies for Unreal Tournament bots.

3 What is HTN?  HTN, Hierarchical Task Networks, is a planning technique.  From a goal and the state of the world you get a plan for how to achieve the goal.  Works by decomposing tasks until a conflict-free plan with tasks that can be performed exists.  Why HTNs? HTNs is very expressive and a growing area in game AI.

4 What is SHOP?  SHOP, Simple Hierarchical Ordered Planner, modification of HTN planning.  Plans in the same order the actions later will be performed.

5 JSHOP2  JSHOP2 is an improved version of SHOP.  Allows partially ordered subtasks.  Implemented in Java.  Why JSHOP2? Exists as a Java implementation and has been used for projects like this earlier.

6 What is JavaBot?  JavaBot is an Java API based on GameBots.  GameBots is a Unreal Tournament modification that allows software agents to play.  Ideal for use as an environment for AI research.  Abstract the “game-engine” so focus can lie on HTNs.  Why JavaBot? The Java implementation can be integrated with JSHOP2 and has also been used for projects like this earlier.

7 Questions?

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