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UCC Governance Overview Nora Geary, October 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "UCC Governance Overview Nora Geary, October 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCC Governance Overview Nora Geary, October 2015 1

2 Presentation  UCC profile  History and Background  Governance and Management  Statutory Framework  Academic Governance  Strategic Planning  National Developments in HE 2

3 UCC Profile 20,400 registered students.  13,500 undergraduates  3,300 postgraduates  1200 PhD students  2,300 adult and continuing education students  2,800 international students (14%)  International students from 105 countries 1629 academic and research staff 1114 administrative and support staff Budget: Eur 256m Estate: 240,000 sq.m; Insured Eur1.4bn 3

4 Rankings UCC recognised as one of the leading universities worldwide for scientific research in the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2015 (May 2015). UCC has topped the ranking in Ireland, and now holds the 16 th position in Europe and 52nd worldwide. CWTS Leiden Ranking 2015 (May 2015). In the recent U-Multirank rankings (March 2015), UCC was the top performing university internationally, based on obtaining the highest number of ‘A’ scores – 21 out of 28.U-Multirank rankings UCC’s performance in the QS World University Rankings by Subject (April 2015) has reinforced its position as a leading university internationally, with 13 subject areas featuring in the top tier globally and Pharmacy & Pharmacology listed within the top 50 worldwide. UCC’s efforts in the area of sustainability resulted in the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Greenmetric World University Ranking awarding a second in the world ranking for the second year in a row (January 2015). UCC was also named ‘University of the Year’ in The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2016, for the 4 th time

5 The Irish Universities Trinity College Dublin[TCD]1592 University College Cork [UCC] 1845 National University of Ireland, Galway[NUIG] 1845 University College Dublin (1854) [UCD]1908 University of Limerick[UL]1989 Dublin City University[DCU]1989 National University of Ireland, Maynooth 1997 National University of Ireland 5

6 UCC’s History 19 th Century1845 Queen’s College Cork – a constituent College of the Queen’s University – became part of the Royal University in 1879 20th Century1908 University College Cork – a constituent College of the National University of Ireland – received its Charter as University College Cork 20th Century1997 University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork – a constituent University of the National University of Ireland Working Title – University College Cork 6

7 20th Century Legislation – Universities Act, 1997  Covers all 7 universities  Full university status for UCC (and UCD, NUIG, NUIM) 7

8 Governance and Management  Governing Body 5 GB Committees  Academic Structure Academic Council Academic Board Colleges  University Management Team Operations Strategy  Administrative Structure Central administration College administration 8

9 Structure 9

10 Management Structure 10

11 Colleges 11


13 Governance Framework 1. Legislation – Universities Act 1997 2. Charter and Statutes 3.Regulations/Rules 13

14 Legislation – Membership of the University  Members of Governing Body  Members of Academic Council  Employees  Students  Graduates  Other persons appointed by Governing Body 14

15 Legislation – Objects of a University  To advance knowledge  To promote learning  To foster “independent critical thinking” amongst students  To promote the official languages of the State (“special regard” to Irish language)  To support and contribute to the realisation of national economic and social development  To facilitate life-long learning  To promote gender balance and equality of opportunity 15

16 Legislation – Functions of a University  provide courses of study, conduct examinations and award degrees and other qualifications,  promote and facilitate research,  establish subsidiary companies  may collaborate with educational, business, professional, trade union, Irish language, cultural, artistic, community and other interests, both inside and outside the State, to further the objects of the university,  shall maintain, manage and administer, and may dispose of and invest, the property, money, assets and rights of the university,  may collaborate with graduates -both inside and outside the State,  may purchase or otherwise acquire, hold and dispose of land or other property, and  may accept gifts of money, land or other property on the trusts and conditions, if any, not in conflict with Universities Act, specified by the donor. 16

17 Legislation – Powers of the Governing Body “15.—(1) Subject to section 21, each university shall have a governing authority established in accordance with this Act which shall be known by whatever name the governing authority decides.section 21 (2) Subject to this Act, the functions of a university shall be performed by or on the directions of its governing authority. (3) All acts and things done by a governing authority, or in the name of or on behalf of the university with the express or implied authority of the governing authority, shall be deemed to have been done by the university.” 17

18 Legislation – Functions of the Governing Body  To control and administer the land and other property of the University  To appoint the President  To appoint staff (may be delegated to President)  To determine the membership of Governing Body  To perform the requirements of 1997 Act, any other Act, or Charter or Statute  To delegate to committees (must include GB members) 18

19 Governing Body - Membership President1 Chairperson1 Officers 1 Professors/Associate Professors5 Other full-time academic staff5 Staff (full-time) other than academic staff3 Students’ Union2 Postgraduate Student1 External nominees4 Minister for Education & Science nominees4 Graduates3 Local authorities7 National University of Ireland2 Total39 19

20 Governing Body - Committees Governing Body StudentsStaffStrategyFinanceAudit 20

21 Bicameral Governance Governing Body Academic Council 21

22 Academic Council “27.—(1) Each university shall have an academic council which shall, subject to the financial constraints determined by the governing authority and to review by that authority, control the academic affairs of the university, including the curriculum of, and instruction and education provided by, the university.”  Programmes of Study  Development of Research  Admission, retention, exclusion of students  Conduct of examinations (statute)  Examination appeals (statute)  Evaluation of academic progress (statute)  Fellowships, prizes, scholarships 22

23 Academic Council - Membership  Determined by Statute  Majority academic staff  Senior academic staff  Range of levels of other academic staff  Students  President and Registrar, ex officio 23

24 Academic Governance Governing Body Academic Council + Academic Board College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences College of Science, Engineering and Food Science College of Medicine and Health College of Business and Law 24

25 Charter, Statutes, Regulations, Rules  Charter 1908  Principal Statute  Governing Body Regulations  College Rules 25

26 Principal Statute  The University  Governing Body  Academic Council  The President and Senior Management  Organisation of the University  University Officers and Employees  Tenure and Disciplinary Procedures  Students  External Bodies 26

27 Other Aspects of University Governance  Strategic Planning  Quality Promotion  Equality  Risk Management  Internal Audit – Internal Controls  Signing and Approval Authority  Health and Safety Compliance  Information Compliance – FOI / DP  Ethics in Public Office 27

28 External Agencies  Higher Education Authority  Department of Education and Skills  Irish Universities Association 28

29 Strategic Plan 2013 - 2017 Strategic Goals: 1.Delivering research-inspired teaching and learning with a world-class student experience 2. Being a premier European university for research, discovery, innovation and commercialisation 3. Being pre-eminent in internationalisation, external engagement and contribution to society 4. Applying best international practice to attract, develop and retain staff of the highest quality and to enable all staff to reach their full potential 5. Strengthening our infrastructure and resource base 29

30 National Context and Developments  CLUSTERING /COMPACT  Universities Act - Amendment  SFI CENTRES 30

31 31


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