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RTV 215 Media Performance Chapter 1. Media Jobs Production Writing Promotions / Marketing Sales Performance / talent.

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Presentation on theme: "RTV 215 Media Performance Chapter 1. Media Jobs Production Writing Promotions / Marketing Sales Performance / talent."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTV 215 Media Performance Chapter 1

2 Media Jobs Production Writing Promotions / Marketing Sales Performance / talent

3 Basic Media History Gutenburg Movable type, c. 1439 (before? … ) Newspapers / magazines Telegraph (1844) / telephone (1876) / photograph (1839) Radio (1895) / television (1800s / early 1900s) / cable (1940s) / satellite (1960s) Vacuum tubes / transistors / integrated circuits / computers PCs / the Internet / broadband

4 How Are the Media Changing? Institutions Constant flux of ‘new media’ Ideological connotations of ‘the new’ Inclusive – ‘interactive media’ … ‘computer mediated communication’ Siri? … virtual reality … non-linear communication … ‘TV everywhere’ IOT – Internet of Things …everything is connected

5 Discussion How is each made? Why is each made? How is each distributed? What role do you have in the communication process? How would these products be different if you lived in –China? –Saudi Arabia? -Cuba? -Nigeria?

6 ‘New Media’ Convergence UGC Citizen journalism ‘fan films’ / crowdsourcing ‘Old media’ and ‘new media’ ‘Science’ vs. Art (design) High culture / popular culture Entertainment, propaganda

7 ‘New Media’ Theories and Models (paradigm) Relationships and Power Economics Nature and Nurture How can you evaluate a system in which you are intricately involved?

8 Shannon’s (1948) Model Our book discusses Schramm’s 6 steps of communication in mass media

9 Mediated Communication

10 Interactive Communication Schramm’s Interactive Model in our book says the communication process is an empathic, or circular response

11 A Transactional Model David Berlo is noted in our book in adding to Shramm’s model that meaning is transmitted as part of the communication process.

12 Analysis of Media Content Newspapers Magazines Tabloids Blogs Video games Radio programming TV programming Online video (YouTube, Netflix)

13 The Performer ‘Sends’ messages. We receive and interpret and respond The focal point of every media production is the performer So, what is ‘Communication’? ‘the ability of one person to evoke a response from or create an impression on another person”

14 Who is a ‘performer’? Newscaster, DJ, commercial spokesperson, interviewer, teacher, minister, social activist… Someone who uses some form of media to impart information so that people respond through action (eg. Purchases), political support, intellectual endeavors, or for entertainment

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