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C ARVING A P UMPKIN Kimberly Cunningham THE P UMPKIN Select a Fresh Pumpkin Chose the pumpkin in a shape that pleases you Low and round or tall and oval-shaped.

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Presentation on theme: "C ARVING A P UMPKIN Kimberly Cunningham THE P UMPKIN Select a Fresh Pumpkin Chose the pumpkin in a shape that pleases you Low and round or tall and oval-shaped."— Presentation transcript:


2 C ARVING A P UMPKIN Kimberly Cunningham

3 THE P UMPKIN Select a Fresh Pumpkin Chose the pumpkin in a shape that pleases you Low and round or tall and oval-shaped

4 C UTTING Cut out either bottom or top of pumpkin to begin hallowing out the pumpkin with the large carving knife Hallow out the pumpkin using a spoon and placing the seeds in a bowl or plate to throw away

5 T OOLS Large carving Knife Spoon Small cutting knives

6 D ESIGN Transfer your design either by marker or paper and poke marks around the design onto the pumpkin Proceed to carve the pumpkin

7 C OMPLETED Once design has been completely carved to your liking place a candle or tea light in the bottom and let your pumpkin come alive

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