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////. The Present Perfect Tense Have/Has +V3 The Present Perfect Tense Действие произошло. Имеется результат. Важен факт совершения действия, а не время.

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Presentation on theme: "////. The Present Perfect Tense Have/Has +V3 The Present Perfect Tense Действие произошло. Имеется результат. Важен факт совершения действия, а не время."— Presentation transcript:

1 ////

2 The Present Perfect Tense Have/Has +V3

3 The Present Perfect Tense Действие произошло. Имеется результат. Важен факт совершения действия, а не время совершения. Период времени не завершился, а действие произошло. Действие началось до момента речи, но еще не закончено.

4 The Present Perfect Tense Already Never Just Lately Yet Recently Ever Since/For

5 He played computer games a lot last week.-He hasn’t played computer games a lot this week.

6 Pair work -Have you visited the dentist this year? - No, I haven’t. -Do you often visit the dentist? - Yes, I do. I care about - Not very often. I think I my teeth. should care about my health more. -Yes, I have.

7 Complete each sentence with has/have and a participle from the box. broken bought eaten finished found happened left lost taken written a) My dog.......... my sandwich! b) Helen........................................her bag. c) I'm sorry. I........................................your pen. d) Where's my dictionary?! e) We're too late. The programme......................................... f) Tina isn't here. She......................................... g) There is water on the floor! What........................................? h) I........................................your book! Here it is! i) Jack........................................five letters. j) I........................................some new shoes. Do you like them? has eaten has lost have lost has taken has finished has left has happened have found has written have bought

8 Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect. a) Harry (do).........................the housework. b) Kate and Bill (find)........................................a new flat. c) Nick (send) email. d) I (try) learn Japanese. e) Sam and Dave (eat)........................................all the sandwiches. f) Carlos (buy)........................................a dog. g) Maria and Helen (start) a new school. h) Frances (break)........................................her cup. i) I (lose) umbrella. j) Max (take)........................................the dog for a walk.

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