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Reactions of Aluminosilcates

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1 Reactions of Aluminosilcates


3 Building Blocks for Silicate Clays
Silicon Tetrahedron Aluminum octahedron hydroxide (OH-) oxygen Aluminum (Al3+) silicon (Si4+)

4 Tetrahedra and Octahedra Sharing the Oxygens
Linkage of thousands of silica tetrahedra and aluminum octahedra O { Tetrahedra Si O, OH { octahedra Al OH 1:1 Mineral

5 2:1 mineral { Tetrahedra { octahedra { Tetrahedra


7 1:1 minerals 2:1 minerals

8 Charge Balance = Si4+ O2- Al3+ OH- Positive charge Negative charge
Al3+ Si4+ OH- O2-

9 Isomorphous Substitution
Substitution of lower-charge cations for higher charge cations during mineral formation. Al3+ for Si4+ in tetrahedra Mg2+ for Al3+ in octahedra The result is a deficit of positive charge or a surplus of negative charge in the mineral structure.

10 Tetrahedral Substitution
Al3+ for Si4+

11 Octahedral Substitution
Mg2+ for Al3+

12 Al3+ for Si4+ Mg2+ for Al3+ Tetrahedral Substitution
Octahedral Substitution Mg2+ for Al3+

13 Na+ Charge Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Charged Surface Dense swarm of cations
High cation concentration Ambient solution concentration

15 Which Cations are preferred?
K+ Cation Exchange K+ Na+ K+ Na+ K+ K+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Which Cations are preferred?

16 Factors Determining Cation Preference
Concentration Charge (+1, +2,+3) Size

17 Concentration Soil Solution K+ K+ K+ Na+ K+ Na+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+

18 Charge Soil Solution Ca+2 Ca+2 Ca+2 Ca+2 Ca+2 K+ K+ K+ K+ Ca+2 K+ Ca+2

19 Size Soil Solution Na+ Stronger bond (H+ preferred) H+

20 Mineral Cation Exchange Capacity
The total quantity of cations a clay can adsorb. Related directly to the amount of Isomorphous substitution Equal to the amount of charge Units are cmolc/kg soil Range: cmolc/kg

21 What is a Centimole? 1 cmol = 6,020,000,000,000,000,000,000
1/100 of a mole 1mole = 6.02 x 1023 charges 1cmol = 6.02 x 1021 charges 1 cmol = 6,020,000,000,000,000,000,000

22 Measuring Cation Exchange Capacity

23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Very High Concentration NH4+ NH4+ Na+ Mg2+ H+ NH4+ K+ Ca2+ Al3+ Mg+

24 NH4+ K+ Ca2+ Na+ Mg2+ Soil NH4+ K+ Ca2+ Na+ Mg2+ beaker

25 Ba+2 Ba2+ NH4+ beaker The number of ammonium ions = number of charges
Soil Ba2+ NH4+ NH4+ beaker The number of ammonium ions = number of charges

26 A clay’s negative sites are saturated
With NH4+ and high concentrations of Ba2+ are used to displace them The displaced cations are collected in a beaker and the number of NH4+ cations is determined. The number of NH4+ cations = 2,000,000 How many exchange sites were on the clay?

27 A clay’s negative sites are saturated
with Ca+2, and then high concentrations of Ba2+ are used to displace them The displaced cations are collected in a beaker and the number of Ca+2 cations is determined. The number of Ca+2 cations = 4,000,000 How many exchange sites were on the clay?

28 Ba+2 Ba2+ NH4+ beaker The number of ammonium ions = number of charges
Soil Ba2+ NH4+ NH4+ beaker The number of ammonium ions = number of charges

29 1Kg of clay whose negative sites are
saturated with NH4+. High concentrations of Ba2+ are used to displace them The displaced cations are collected in a Beaker. The volume of solution in the beaker is 1L. The concentration of NH4+ cations in the beaker is equal to 10 cmol/L 10 cmol NH4+ 1 Liter X 1 L of solution = 10 cmol NH4+ 10 cmolc/kg clay = CEC

30 Important Clay Minerals

31 Na Cl Hydration Hydration sphere size varies widely + - H O O H H H O

32 H O + H O Na H O H O

33 Hydroxide (OH-) O - “Electron greedy” H +

34 Kaolinite 1:1 Na+ CEC = 2 – 5 cmolc O - kg
Limited isomorphous substitution in octahedra (Al3+ for Si4+ ) CEC = 2 – 5 cmolc kg O H + - Layers are H-bonded Non-expansible Adsorption is on external surfaces and edges Slightly Negative

35 2:1 Minerals Smectites: montmorillonite CEC = 80-120 cmolc kg
Significant substitution in the octahedra (Al3+ for Si4+) Ca Mg Na+ CEC = cmolc kg Cations satisfying charge Layers weakly held together by cations Highly expansible

36 Smectites Abundant water O Ca Ca Ca H H

37 Smectites Limited water O Ca Ca Ca H H

38 Vermiculite CEC = 100-180 cmolc kg Mg2+ Mg2+
Significant substitution in tetrahedra CEC = cmolc kg Mg2+ Mg2+ Source of negative charge Is very close to the adsorbed cations Layers tightly bound Moderately expansible

39 Illite CEC = 20-40 cmolc kg K+ K+
Significant substitution in tetrahedra Source of negative charge Is very close to the adsorbed Cations Potassium fits into cavities on Clay surfaces clamping them shut. K+ K+ Non-expansible CEC = cmolc kg

40 Tetrahedra Side View Octahedra Tetrahedra Tetrahedra Top View K+ K
Clay Layer

41 { Minerals Kaolinite Smectite Vermiculite illite Mineral Expansion
CEC (cmol/kg) 1:1 None 2 – 5 2:1 High 2:1 Limited 100 – 160 2:1 None 20-40 { tetrahedral substitution Octahedral substitution tetrahedral substitution


43 K Clay Layer

44 Where do the minerals occur?
Illites Vermiculites Smectites Kaolinite Fe, Al oxides Increased weathering 2:1 1:1

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